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Shiny Charmander


Ive been trying nonstop to get a shiny charmander starter. Any tips?

Light Venusaur

Konoha's FMA Ninja
Have u been doing any of these:
Soft resetting
Ask a friend to breed you one
Or if your in dire need of it:
Ask a friend to hack one for you.
That's what I can think of...sorry if this doesn't help you in anyway.


The Master...
none but have you soft rested... though im sure you have
second piece though not my recomenbation ar or gs my friend and it worked
i i made him get it naturally he got it on his second try...


The Master...
AR thats the one my friend used
ps he didnt use the max get the one for r/s/e and add and edit so it will give it to you

char char

Professional Shut-In
I've been tring toget a shiny charmander on leaf green since it came out (i play fire red as my offical game) it's almost impossible


Just keep at it. Also, the fact that shinies pop up when you least expect it has been proven to be true with the majority of my shinies. So I suggest multitasking to keep your mind off things.

Also, I don't suggest cheating. It could screw up your game.

Black Widow

Well-Known Member
Here's a tip: Shiny discussion belongs in the official shiny topic.

Just keep SRing until you get him. It could take a very long time though.