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Shiny egg question

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Well-Known Member
OK, I got the perfect beldum, 31 IV Attck and Def. Naughty. I have a few questions though.

-Can I see wheather it is shiny or not in the hatching screen.
-Have you ever hatched a shiny before? How long did it took?
-Is shiny stats are set when the egg is hatched or when you take the egg?


DragonAtreides said:
-Is shiny stats are set when the egg is hatched or when you take the egg?
Same for all eggs; when you receive it.

I can't answer the other two, out of >300 hours of game time I still don't have a shiny. =(


-Can I see wheather it is shiny or not in the hatching screen.
-Have you ever hatched a shiny before? How long did it took?

1. if your pokemon is shiny then it's shininess can be seen as soon as it comes out of the egg.

2. No, out of all my shinies, none of them are hatched.


Well-Known Member
Hmm thanks, I'll delete this thread now since I had all my questions answered
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