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Shiny Help!


Well-Known Member
I see ppl online here that hv tons of shinies!!!
And I Don't Seem to run into them that much!
I know I know theres a 1/somethin' chance of Blablabla!
There has got to be some technique ppl use!
every1 has lots of shinies!
i only hv one I Found(Whismer now an Exploud) and the Zigzagoon(now linoone) I downloaded from Gamestop!
Help me plz!!!;482;

This is My Emerald!
I hv Ruby and Firered if ill need them!
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Rock/Thunder Trainer
Soft Reseting... That's all there is (if you want a starter/legendary) or breeding/hunting alot if you want anything else. There's no tricks at all...


Well-Known Member
well...I mean how come ppl hv soooo many?
They'd hv to hv wasted a lot of time then!
their power switch must being crying for a break then!!!;egg;


Well-Known Member
How come ppl have so many? DEDICATION. That's why I have 25. Just go to a certain spot and walk around repeatively.

EDIT: Why am I helping whiny n00bs who don't even read the rules?


Well-Known Member
How come ppl have so many? DEDICATION. That's why I have 25. Just go to a certain spot and walk around repeatively.

EDIT: Why am I helping whiny n00bs who don't even read the rules?

well im trainig like 24/7 (almost) and I hvn't ran into any Shinies!


it's random chance and luck.
they could be really lucky, have spended lots of time, or cheated for them.

just keep trying >:3


loves birbs.
How come? They might just run into one all of a sudden. The could have soft resetted for hours. But it's worth it. IT'S ALL LUCK. Don't count on it. Don't trust it. Just go with the flow, play the game normally and sooner or later you'll encounter a Shiny. I myself thought I was unlucky since I have never randomly encountered a Shiny pokemon, but look, now I have more than 1 Shiny pokemon I caught by myself, and I've been playing Pokemon ever since the first games were released. Just be patient.


Well-Known Member
it's random chance and luck.
they could be really lucky, have spended lots of time, or cheated for them.

just keep trying >:3

yeah I don't tend to hv any luck anymore...
and I do spend lots of time
I never EVER Cheat it screws ur game!


Well-Known Member
How come? They might just run into one all of a sudden. The could have soft resetted for hours. But it's worth it. IT'S ALL LUCK. Don't count on it. Don't trust it. Just go with the flow, play the game normally and sooner or later you'll encounter a Shiny. I myself thought I was unlucky since I have never randomly encountered a Shiny pokemon, but look, now I have more than 1 Shiny pokemon I caught by myself, and I've been playing Pokemon ever since the first games were released. Just be patient.

strong words of truth
lol I guess u hv a great point thats how I got Exploud!:)


loves birbs.
strong words of truth
lol I guess u hv a great point thats how I got Exploud!:)

That's what happens when I drink too much Pepsi and 7UP mixed together. >>
Anyways, don't double post (otherwise you'll probably get a warning if you keep on doing it). Edit your post. That's why the Edit button is there. ^^
*shot for modding-ish*



Well-Known Member
That's what happens when I drink too much Pepsi and 7UP mixed together. >>
Anyways, don't double post (otherwise you'll probably get a warning if you keep on doing it). Edit your post. That's why the Edit button is there. ^^
*shot for modding-ish*


lol how bout mountain dew itself?
Did I double post? oh snap!


Well-Known Member
Luck or dedication?

Usually they appear when you are not expecting them. My trick is EV-training. I hate it because it takes a lot of time even though makes my pokemon stronger, but since I love shinies I do two things at a time, shiny searching and EV training. I cought a shiny Zubat in the altering cave on emerald while EV training me Kyoghre for speed. I know that a lot of people will say that I just got lucky and I won't argue. I did get lucky, but I would never have one if I would not go searching for it.


christian 4ever
shinys are special because they heve different colors but not different stats.........runing in to a shiny is so low.......................i think 1 out of 1800,i only have 2 shinys.............i suggest you first complete the game catch all pokemon.trained them all to lv.100,and then go look for shynies and dont worry they are just ordinary pokemon,only their color is different


loves birbs.
shinys are special because they heve different colors but not different stats.........runing in to a shiny is so low.......................i think 1 out of 1800,i only have 2 shinys.............i suggest you first complete the game catch all pokemon.trained them all to lv.100,and then go look for shynies and dont worry they are just ordinary pokemon,only their color is different

... Actually, the chances are 1/8192. >>;


loves birbs.
I kinda liked the other chances better:(

If I can get 4 Shiny Pokemon (the others were given to me by friends), then obviously you can too. XP
It's not like it's impossible.


Well-Known Member
Anyone would especially shiny hunters


finding a shiny is based on luck. there is no technique to getting a shiny unless if u cheat to get one. just soft reset alot or find some 4 leaf clovers, luck horshoes, and a couple rabbit foots so your are lucked out 2 the max:)