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Shiny Latias w/Soul Dew Up For Trade and More!


I Have S.Latias up for trade i'm looking for some shinies,i want 2 shinies for it.
Shiny Latias is 100% Legit so i want the offer too.
So: ( Shiny Latias is Lv40 ) ( Untouched )

Shiny + Shiny = Shiny Latias With Soul Dew (If Offer is Rare)

Mainly Looking for: I Want Other Too

- Shiny Piplup
- Shiny Larvitar
- Shiny Eevee
- Shiny Porygon

Other Trades: ( Some are NOT Shinies )

- Shiny Bellossom Lv55 w/Leaf Storm and Miracle Seed
- Lv25 Milotic
- Ralts
- Swinub
- Dusknoir Lv61
- Mareep
- Burmy Male and Female
- Beldum Lv53
- Machamp
- Absol
- Wormadam
- Mantyke
- Aerodactyl
- Cranidos
- Omanyte
- Feebas
- Luvdisc
- Totodile
- Riolu
- Aipom


I Have EVERY SINGLE Legendary Except the 4th Gen. Ones . ( Arceus,Darkrai and Shaymin )
Plus SHINY PALKIA Lv47 Untouched
Plus Lv100 Deoxys.

So,Offer Away. =D
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kenny thunder

the lati tamer
hey ill trade you a shiny metagross and a shiny charizard for the shiny latias the metagross is lvl 47 and the charizard is lvl 100 i can throw in 1 masterball

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
hey man you still there?if you are missing any of the starters ill most likly havem i dont have the jhoto starters cuase i havent migrated them yet but i have all the other starters well i think i do anyways

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
ok i forgot i dont have a lvl 100 shiny charizard anymore but i do have a lvl 36 0r 37 shiny charizard legit and the shiny metagross is not legit


I want the shinies you mentioned but are they legit?
EDIT: Okay I'll Take The Shiny Charizard and _______
Choose one of your shinies

I ONLY Accept Legits

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
it was cuaght at lvl 2 as a beldum so thats why i know its not legit if you dont want that then would you take a lvl 40 shiny crobat instead of metagross

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
the starters are not shiny the only shinys i have for trade is shiny charizard shiny metagross and shiny crobat crobat is lvl 40 and is legit charizard is lvl 36 or 37 and is legit and the metagross is lvl 47 not legit


it was cuaght at lvl 2 as a beldum so thats why i know its not legit if you dont want that then would you take a lvl 40 shiny crobat instead of metagross
Okay Deal! Shiny Charizard + Shiny Crobat = Shiny Latias
I'll Pull Soul Dew in There If you Offer Another Shiny.

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
umm i have no more shinys woild you take a master ball?

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
oh and my friend code is 1117 6883 6680 name kenny

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
shiny latias with soul dew thats what the master ball is for

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
ok im on now so i guess ill wait

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
hey man you getting on yet?