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Shiny Legendaries? Does it make sense?

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Hey all!

I was recently browsing around the Pokemon sprites, watching what their shiny version was, when I got struck by the fact that legendaries have a shiny version. I still don't know how it makes sense, because, if a legendary is a Pokemon supposed to be one of a kind, you would only know one of the versions of the Pokemon, not both, as you will never see the opposite version, being this Pokemon unique and having no clones at all. I don't think it makes sense that shiny versions of the legendary Pokemon exist, unless Pokemon is hiding something, like for example, that Pokemons can acquire a shiny version of themselves throughout their lives.

I posted this in order to show, either a funny mistake by Pokemon, or to be corrected, since I might have misunderstood something, and, therefore, leaded myself to erroneous conclusions.

Any comment would be appreciated!

- Kaironzet


Some legendaries are shown/mentioned with offspring in the anime/Pokedex, but you do strike a point >:3
Although a godlike legendary like Groudon or Palkia would never allow a random trainer to catch them either >.>

Team Elecwater

shocking isnt it
this is my joke answer. they painted themselves.

my real answer is that if you watch some pokemon shows, you would see there are some pokemon legends that have more than one of themselves
There's more than one kind of each legendary, remember Deoxys? Or that episode with the baby lugia?

I recall watching them, as well as I recall watching a golden Ho-oh in the first Pokemon episode, and later viewing his normal version in more advanced episodes, but wouldn't this drop the status of legendary from the Pokemon?

Following Pokemon's way of thinking, legendaries are those that are one of a kind, however, the definition for legendary in the dictionary is "of, relating to, or characteristic of legend or a legend", which contradicts it. Wouldn't this imply that there are two of each legendary in the Pokemon World?

- Kaironzet


Well-Known Member
I saw a shiny Entei once. It ran off and is still running around so I don't know if he is still shiny.


Shiny Hunter...again
Just No Fair...

Ho Know How We Can Get A Legendary Shiny In D/p?i Think That Nintendo Create Shiny Pokemon For Some Reason,but Legendarys?i Don`t See Someone That Have One Here In My Country..so I Think That The Shinys Legendarys Are Imposible To Get,exept By Gameshark,action Replay....


Well-Known Member
Shiny Legendaries are not impossible to get. Every pokemon has a shiny form, including legendaries. You just have to be VERY lucky to encounter a shiny legendary. The chances of finding a shiny is 1/8192.



Sometimes a bit rude
^ He doesn't mean that, he means that its stupid that they have one, because legendary pokemon are one of a kind :S ^

And I duno what to say really, but I guess that they must have shiny forms, I mean, well, I dunno. They must just do :S


<- Best DP Legendary
Not all legendaries are one-of-a-kind; some probably are, while others (Mew, Latios/Latias) are just so rare that you're extremely unlikely to ever see more than one in your lifetime. Or maybe their primary habitat is so far away from the usual Pokémon regions (Mew was said to be seen in South America in Red/Blue, for example) that nobody outside of that area would usually see one.

Also... the anime has nothing to do with ANYTHING related to the game; Shiny Legendaries are game-only things. The "shiny Ho-Oh" in the first episode was because they hadn't decided what it's colors would be, or wanted it to be more mysterious--the idea of "shiny" Pokémon probably wasn't even a thought yet when that episode was made.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, in the context of the games, all legends are one of a kind. It could be assumed that that game's legend was always shiny. A Shiny Kyorge battled a Grodon. A shiny mew gave some of its DNA. And so on.

In the anime, since all legends can apparently have offspring, it could be assumed that it may pull an "albino" or have a genetic anamoly.


So Zetta Slow!
...maybe as a legendary pokemon travels some substances/things covers them making them shiny and when you catch them these things doesn't come off and if you leave them alone these things come off...
...maybe at first they may become shiny and as time goes by they become their normal status...
...Or maybe they aren't shiny at first but as the time goes by they may become shiny because of a natural phenomenon...
...last, maybe legendaries can alter their own DNA to make themselves shiny pokemons and when they become fed up with their unusual color they transform to normal...hehehe

Ho-oh Tamer

Well-Known Member
There is more than 1 of each/most legendaries, they're just 1 of a kind in the game so you can't have a team of 6 groudons or 6 rayquazas.


The new tuxedo look!
It's a game and it's not like everything has to make sense you know!


Ready for a vacation
I believe the only legendaries that are one of a kind are the Regis, the beasts, and Mewtwo.

All the others are not one of a kind. They're just extremely rare species, depicted in legends for their immense power. This includes Mew... I guess its still debatable, but the Mew in movie 8's personality was MUCH different from the Mew in the 1st movie, so it's extremely likely that there is more than one. Also, lets not overlook this children's book: -link- in which a kid and his classmates meet a family of Mews.. I don't know how official the book is, but I read it at Target while waiting for my mom. XD

But honestly.. if there was TRULY only one of each legendary, then only one game pack in the entire world would have them, making whoever bought that game a very lucky person. Games don't have to make all the sense in the world.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Thats not weirder than the fact that you can get legendaries vwith different natures.

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
Yeah it doesn't make sense... but neither does the fact that you can battle your friends and they have the same one of a kind legendary! xD

assassin oates

Shut up mokuba
remember destiny deoxys "its A rayquazer!"

and in a speciel epesode it says that there is more than 1 moltres

there could be more than 1 mew if you think about it, mean how do we know the 1st movie mew and the 8th movie mew are the same

and the regis (except gigas) are shown with a fronteir brain and in the wild in the 8th movie

and it says in enteis dex entrance "everytime a volcano erupts an entei is born" thisz means that other enties have existed

manaphy is in an egg were did the egg come from

and before it has been said there is more than 1 deoxys
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