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shiny Linoone?

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ok so i have not played my pokemon game in a long while but i have stumbled across it agan and when looking at my pokemon i see i have a shiny linoone thats from a trainer named SAPHIRE and it says i got him on a fateful encounter. now i for some reson cant remember what that fateful encounter is for the life of me! does anyone know cuz this been buging me all day, thanks. :)


The Dude
I'm pretty sure that shiny linoone's were given out to the people that nintendo fixed the berry glitch for. Could that be it?
It should be from the Gamestop promotion


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that shiny linoone's were given out to the people that nintendo fixed the berry glitch for. Could that be it?

Yes, that is it, but they gave out Zigzagoon's, not Linoone's, so you must have evolved it.


Well-Known Member
When did gamestop have a promotion? I am mad. I should've been there. ;264;


ooooo right now i remember, it was a gamestop thing. thanks ALOT for the info ShinyManafi and PkmnTrainerJ :)


When did gamestop have a promotion? I am mad. I should've been there. ;264;

They had a promotion shortly after the berry glitch was revealed to be in the American versions of R/S. It was one of the solutions to fixing it in the United States at that time, along with the Jirachi Bonus disc, Colosseum, and sending it directly to Nintendo of America, which will also lead you to getting a shiny Zigzagoon with a Liechi Berry.

It wasn't very promoted, heck the official US Pokemon site said it was a "special surprise," which seems as motivating as giving me free paper clips. :\

It was mostly just used for a patch, so they tried to release it in as many convenient places as possible, like maybe EB Games/GameStop?

PS: If you don't want it the promo shiny, I can have it if you want. :D


dream on ;p its my one and only shiny

Aww, and I was willing to trade the promos I spent so much time and money on getting too. Yes, I'm infering I'll trade you the TRU Mew, JPN Celebi, USA Jirachi, or the Houston Deoxys for a fat shiny Linoone that could easily be cloned (unlike the promo legendaries). :p

Back on topic though. What game did you obtain the Shiny Zigzagoon? I want to figure out since I never bothered to ask for a Shiny Zigzagoon at GameStop, thus never knew how the patch promo worked. I know it says SAPHIRE, so does that mean you got it off Sapphire? Also, what's it's IDNO.? I heard it was 30317, but I need confirmation.


I am the game
You guys are lucky! I havent got one single shiny in the 3rd generation
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