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Shiny mew



omg... that is a phenomenal banner, the colors, background, it all fits into place. excellent work!
Hmm.... couldnt help but reply xD

I love the blues, such a beautiful shade.
I really like the background too, and the font.

And the fact its a Mew banner earns you an extra 759834 points :<

::gives you a cookie:: Awesome job!


Well-Known Member
I love it! Like Shining Mew said, the tones are so beautiful to look at. I've sen the effect used many times before, but you've used it really well here. I also love the font; very good.

Great job, Phaeton!


Emerald Shinigami
Hi Ream!
I love shiny Mew because it's so rare . . .
It's so good . . .
Almost as good as Wobbuffet!


Hoshi No Kabii
It's great. I like the colors on it too! The mew looks fantastic. Seems like it took some time.
Phaeton said:

Background is great. Awesome stock too.

Only thing that bothers me is the typo...it's kinda hard to see. The size of the typo and stock also leaves quite a disturbing emptiness on some parts of the banner.

I love the effect though, however typo needs a little bit more of work.

Love the theme. :)

Raden Surya

Abdidalem of Erika
"Lost in a sea of dreams" and mew can only found at Faraway Island.....They perfectly match! Very awesome and impressive work, Phaeton! It must take you a long time to made, especially for the background^^


Be Wise, Tell Lies.
Truthfully, when I saw the title, I thought there was going to be a Shiny Mew Picture 0_0

But this Banner is still awesome. I love the shiny, sparkly backround, it makes it almost look like glass. Beautifully done <3


jhnbsfd sdkj
cool mew..............


...An orange blob...
A good background. The mew is a bit transparent and a great shade of neon blue. The wording's text is good, but the text is hard to read because it's place so close to the dark side of the background.

Otherwise it's perfect. ^_^
