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Shiny Palkia


Well-Known Member
I have a spare legit shiny palkia may trade if i get a good offer so offer away.
PS-I won't be able to trade for another3-4 hours as i am at school right now.


bassface OWNZZ
100 shiny legit groudon? Trained to pokemon of the week on serebii


Well-Known Member
May do shiny Trapinch what is it's nature? Also if you could be so nice to tell me what are it's IVs?


Well-Known Member
No thanks don't like legends much but thank you for the offer. If you have any untouched low level shinys tell me though.


Pokemon Addict!
how about any three of these shinies for your shiny palkia:
Pidgeot lv.37 adamant untouched
infernape lv.36
magnezone lv.35
treecko lv.5
geodude lv.15
illumise lv.13
torkoal lv.14
murkrow lv.17
machamp lv.33
lv.100 shinies:


Well-Known Member
No thanks i just said that i don't like legends too much but thank you for the offer


bassface OWNZZ
Shiny lv. 100 charizard. Shiny max IVs


Well-Known Member
No thanks already have a normal ev trained Charizard