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shiny pokemon queston

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If want certain shineys such as legendaries or starters what would be the best way to get them without gameshark?

When i pick my starter on whatever 3rd gen game, should i save the game just before I pick it, then use it in my first battle (against my rival) fr/lg) and see if its shiney, if not soft reset, or can i see if its shiney by just looking the pokemon from inside its ball?

And same for legendaries save just before fighting, if not shiney soft reset 1'0000 times before it apears?

And if i put a shiney on colo/xd does it look diffrent?

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
ok, to answer your first question the starter needs to come out of the ball before you can tell if its shiny or not, and 2nd, yeah if u want a shiny ledgendary thats what you have to do and for colloseum yes the shiny will be exactly the same when its traded over


just save before the pokemon
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