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shiny pokemon


Well-Known Member
cant say that I have but it would kill me if I did becouse I dont have 1 shiny and I realy want one.


Rod Master

The Fishing Guru
No, thankfully that hasn't happened to me. Earliest I've ever encountered a Shiny was in Emerald when I ran into a shiny Wurmple in Petalburg Woods while heading to Rustburo less than an hour into the game. Luckily I had plenty of poke'balls and it was an easy capture.


thankfully that has never happened to me. i have never seen a shiny in the
3rd gen and that would kill me if that happend.


Well-Known Member
I have caught a wild zigzagoon at the very begining right after getting my Pokeballs. Good thing i got them first or i would have been MAD!!
I saw a shiny wurmple the first time i played ruby and it was the first wurmple i ever saw so i thought it was normal then i saw another wurmple and i wanted to kick myself.