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Shiny Starters... could use some tips

Hey all, Long time Lurker and first time poster. I know, this seems like a tired old subject that's been beaten to death.

I got my first Shiny last year, after playing GSC, FL/RG and RSE for the longest time. I never thought I would want to go through with finding them all like an obsessed fanatic.... but, well, I've gotten bit by the bug so to speak.

I'm really after now a Shiny Charmander, and thought I would go for it. Only one in over 8000 chance shot right? I got to get lucky sometime.

I'm not asking about how to do a soft reset, I know that. :) I'm jsut in need of a few specific hints and answers to some queries.

Mind you I'm saved right infront of the pokeballs in the FR, about to choose.
1) When I inspect hte pokeballs, can I get an indication that the contents are shiny by looking at the photo it displays before confirming selection or do I have to actually choose them and use them in battle with Gary to know for sure?

2) Would I really have to battle with gary to find out or would checking the status screen give me an indication instead? I know of the chime and sparkles that sound when a shiny is released, but this seems to be my ony indication I might have when lookign at the charmander as of little color differencial from what I've seen on the Pokedex.

3) Does anyone have a specific way they do it to speed up how long it takes to pick it up, scope it out, and reset? I just am afraid that I'm takign too long finding out and reseting..

Thanks for everyone's answers and time. :)


1) You have to use it in battle (or check its summary) in order to see if it's shiny or not.

2) Look at #1.

3) The way you just stated is the fastest legit way. The next fastest legit way would be to save in front of the Day Care Man, then take the egg, hatch it, and see if it's shiny; if it's not, then soft-reset and repeat.


Well-Known Member
If you are wanting a Shiny Starter just save right be you talk to the Prof. That way you can save time not having to type you name and set the clock or anything else!
Thanks guys for the Tips! Looks like I'm going to be spending a LOT of time on this... also Thanks for the info on checking status.. that might save me a lot of time with the whole battling thing. :)