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Shiny Suicune.

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Huh? I just traded my captured Suicune in Colloseum over to Emerald, but then I noticed something. It don't have purple "hair" but it has got Blue "hair"! But then I looked at the Serebii Pokédex, and then I noticed something else: mine suicune is as dark skinned as a normal suicune and it has the hair of a shiny one! And it don't sparks when it comes out of it's ball. Can anyone help me!? Maybe it's a glitch though...:( Or is this just normal? Than I know that this is n00bish, lol. I just never had a suicune on R/S/E.
~PDT ;373;;381;
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hmm i dno but somthing simmalar happened to me i put my vapoureon onto coloseum and it was shiney!! but on the gba its not


Veteran smartass
its normal.....thats like seviper has blue colored lines on it
i think you're wrong
i'm sure u think its shiny because of the frozen dust (or whatever) is falling from it, but thats normal


Well-Known Member
it's normal,when a shiny enters a battle it sparkles.


no i meen the colours change i know the ice dust or whatever is always there


Powerplay Champion
hmmm... maybe some of the pokemon are badly colored on th gc versions???
just a thought.


oblivion weilder
well shiny suicune on colloseum and ex has black hair and is a lighter blue, so it mmust be a gltch


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Could it be possible that you're just not seeing the color on the Gameboy correctly? If it doesn't sparkle when it comes into battle it's not shiny.

If you still think it's a glitch, please post in the glitch sticky instead of making a thread:



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