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Shiny untouched legit adamant beldum for trade...


I can offer a shiny mightyena. I may have used it in one battle, but that would be it.

Kuro Kaoru

Fun Festival
Untouched, legit Lv. 1 Magby for the Beldum?

Dr. Zafs

Grrr... Bite Me...
intrnd: no thanks

Other 2:Lvls/nature plz... and are they legit?

Kuro: is the magby shiny... if so lvl/nature plz

Skater Trainer

Like a Boss
do u need any of the 1-3rd gen legendarys other than celebi and deoxys and all starters but chamander and bulbasaur. my pokemon are all legit

Dr. Zafs

Grrr... Bite Me...
i think im gonna go for the magby...

my fc is 1976-6646-2463

you wouldnt happen to have a magmarizer would you?

Dr. Zafs

Grrr... Bite Me...
sure thx also
you wouldnt happen to have a magmarizer would you?
id still trade without but... it would be nice

Kuro Kaoru

Fun Festival
I don't have one... TT_TT I've been trying to trade for one since I got on this forum a week ago... I might just go buy LG...

Kuro Kaoru

Fun Festival
You're sitting on a gold mine... XD You might want to go get a few... They seem to be very valueable on the forum....