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Shiny Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf

I have up for trade

Shiny Mesperit (Lv50 English Legit)
Shiny Uxie (Lv50 English Legit)
Shiny Azelf (Lv50 English Legit)

These pokemon will be cloned through gts, but dont expect me to give out more just because they are.


Well-Known Member
Shiny Linoone for Mesprit ?


Completing The Trio
shiny groudon, treecko, voltorb/electrode, swablu/altaria, poochyena, golbat/crobat and torkoal of any interest


New Member
Japanese Shiny Palkia?


New Member
why not say what shinies you want? I'll see what I can do.
Shiny Smeargle
Shiny Ditto
Shiny Spiritomb
Shiny Piplup
Shiny Chimchar
Shiny Shuckle
Shiny Aipom
Shiny Magby
Shiny Ditto
Shiny Ralts
Shiny Scyther
Some 4th gen shinies


New Member
Thanks for making a list. But I got none of them.