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Shiny Zubat/evo shop


Well-Known Member
I can give you any tm just ask which one you want it took me awhile but i got em' all:p


New Member
well i don't have any shinys ,
i'm offering palkia untouched and dialga untouched for one shiny zubat


Well-Known Member
Sure can be right online


Heroes Clan Leader
hooh or mew for one


Heroes Clan Leader
kool give me a second im in the league


"You Cant Kill Me"
Quick question , wat do u have ur zubat on(FR/LG/E/D/P?)

dont know if i have the Roost though , how about Swagger?


"You Cant Kill Me"
i know they were cloned >.> just wondering because if i get 1 from u ,i plan to put it on fire red(dont have an emerald YET)

anywho how about Trick Room? xD


"You Cant Kill Me"
oops i was looking at my diamond and didnt notice xD , i thought i was looking at my FR TM's...zzz its 4am anyway...

how about Snatch from my FR?