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Shinys and Legendaries and Egg Moves


New Member
Shinys: (cloned)
Eevee, Docile, level 5
Mewtwo, Naughty, level 74, Nicknamed EMERALD
Palkia (Japanese), Naughty, level 47,
Groudon, Gentle, Level 54
Magikarp, level 5, Naughty
Latias, level 50, Quiet
Pikachu, level 38, Bold
Milotic, level 70, Quirky
Pidgey, level 15, Rash, Nicknamed Pelican
Lombre, level 16, Serious

Legendaries: (Legit, uncloned right now)
Dialga level 47, Hasty
Palkia level 100, japanese, Impish
Mewtwo, level 70, Hardy
Latios, level 40, Adamant
Cressalia, level 50, Sassy
Cressaila, level 50, Sassy (different)
Cressaila, level 50, Mild
Cressalia, level 50, Bashful
Deoxys, level 30, Quiet
Lugia, level 50, Mild
Celebi, level 70, Jolly
Jirachi, Level 5, Rash/Lonely
Jirachi, Level 80, Impish
Manaphy, Level 100, Japanese, Lax

Level 1s Currently Availiable:
Porygon, Modest
Togepi, Calm w/ Nasty Plot and Thunder Wave
Bulbasaur w/ Energy Ball
Riolu (male, only one)
Eevee, Gentle w/ Endure (male, only one)
Duskull w/Pain Split
Tailow w/ Brave Bird
Feebas w/ Confuse Ray
Scyther, Adamant (female)
Skorupi w/ Night Slash and Confuse Ray
Vulpix, Quiet (female)
Slugma, Adamant (female)
Female Combee, level 12/10
Male Burmy, level 13

I want:
Good natured, good IV Giratina
Good natured, Good IV Dialga
Good natured, Good IV Mewtwo
Good natured, good IV Moltres
Darkrai- Japanese Movie only. I've heard that it's legit now.
make other offers

Egg moves: (These must be male)
Zubat with Brave Bird
Tyrogue with Bullet Punch + High Jump Kick
Clamperl with Confuse Ray
Snorunt with Block
Tangela with Amnesia
other guys with Egg moves

Shinys: (I will only trade my shinys for shinys)
Trapinch, preferably level 5 or lower
make other offers
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x scizor x

ace trainer
i want lugia i will trade giratina? post here if you accept or say you don't

x scizor x

ace trainer
kk reply soon cause i really need a lugia


Well-Known Member
Ok. How do you start a new post?


STS Trainer
well, I can't make a trade right now, but I do have dratinis with haze and supersonic

I'd like a porygon or a female togepi, if that's ok


New Member
Scizor- What is the level/nature/stats of the Giratina?
Leafblade- Sure, I'll take a male Dratini with haze and supersonic. I'll give you either one of the ones you want.


« Next hunt.
Shiny Lombre + Pidgey for the Milotic?


New Member
Sure, I'll take shiny Pidgey and Lombre. Choose any guy you want from my list of Level 1s that i don't have only one of for the second trade.
I'll be back in around 15 minutes- I have to eat. Leave trade offers and I'll get back to everyone then.

x scizor x

ace trainer
ghst i have 2 gira tina my first one is lvl 70 quiet natured 147 atk 180 def 163 sp atk 174sp def and 117 speed 294 hp as well. the 2nd one is hardy natured lvl 72 and has 308 hp 159 atk 184 def 169 sp atk 179sp def 137 speed. plus the 2nd one needs 1503 to lvl up ok read over these and respond i can't type anymore because i fell my hands dieing. lol

x scizor x

ace trainer
ghst i have 2 gira tina my first one is lvl 70 quiet natured 147 atk 180 def 163 sp atk 174sp def and 117 speed 294 hp as well. the 2nd one is hardy natured lvl 72 and has 308 hp 159 atk 184 def 169 sp atk 179sp def 137 speed. plus the 2nd one needs 1503 to lvl up ok read over these and respond i can't type anymore because i feel my hands dieing. lol


« Next hunt.
Okay, I'll take a Skorupi. Wait, though. Need to Pal Park them!xD


« Next hunt.
Ready. On Wi-Fi now.


New Member
Got delayed after dinner. I'm cloning the Milotic right now, and I'll be in Wifi as soon as I do.


New Member
My GTS is being gay and changing the amount of time it takes to import every time so as soon as I clone it successfully I'll be on Wifi X_x.

x scizor x

ace trainer
eric do you accept either of my giratinas? sorry about double posting and can u duplicate the lugia so i can have one no matter what please its my fave guy!
Will you trade your shiny Eevee for a shiny Torchic?


New Member
Bump! I'm back for a while and all the guys I have I still have.


New Member
Bump! Any new takers?