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Shinys Burst

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Shiny Catcher!
I found a total of 3 shinys in this game. And that was just in a month. Has anyone else found that the shiny catch rate is higher?


Nice streak you had, but chanses are always...



Hikari Trainer
Yeah i got 50 hours and only saw a trainers shiny espeon. It sucked!
Are you referring to the Trainer Tower's Shiny Espeon?
Cause its always set to be that way


Natsu no Maboroshi
Whoa. You lucky. I got my shiny after playing two months...v.v


3 shinys, pretty good, ive only seen 2, i of which ran (I now hate the safari zone) and the other i caught, and that is with nearly 800 hours total on the clock.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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