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Shinys, Legendaries, and Egg Moves for trade


New Member
Shinys: (cloned)
Eevee, Docile, level 5
Mewtwo, Naughty, level 74, Nicknamed EMERALD
Palkia (Japanese), Naughty, level 47,
Groudon, Gentle, Level 54
Magikarp, level 5, Naughty
Latias, level 50, Quiet
Pikachu, level 38, Bold

Legendaries: (Legit, uncloned right now)
Dialga level 47, Hasty
Palkia level 100, japanese, Impish
Mewtwo, level 70, Hardy
Latios, level 40, Adamant
Cressalia, level 50, Sassy
Cressaila, level 50, Sassy (different)
Cressaila, level 50, Mild
Cressalia, level 50, Bashful
Deoxys, level 30, Quiet
Lugia, level 50, Mild
Celebi, level 70, Jolly
Jirachi, Level 5, Rash/Lonely
Jirachi, Level 80, Impish
Manaphy, Level 100, Japanese, Lax

Level 1s Currently Availiable:
Porygon, Modest
Togepi, Calm w/ Nasty Plot and Thunder Wave
Bulbasaur w/ Energy Ball
Riolu (male, only one)
Eevee, Gentle w/ Endure (male, only one)
Duskull w/Pain Split
Tailow w/ Brave Bird
Feebas w/ Confuse Ray
Scyther, Adamant (female)
Skorupi w/ Night Slash and Confuse Ray
Female Combee, level 12/10
Male Burmy, level 13

I want:
Good natured, good IV Giratina
Good natured, Good IV Dialga
Good natured, Good IV Mewtwo
Good natured, good IV Moltres
make other offers

Egg moves: (These must be male)
Zubat with Brave Bird
Tyrogue with Bullet Punch + High Jump Kick
Clamperl with Confuse Ray
Snorunt with Block
Tangela with Amnesia
other guys with Egg moves

Shinys: (I will only trade my shinys for shinys)
Trapinch, preferably level 5 or lower
Magikarp with nickname Bandakarp
make other offers

I have plenty of Dawn Stones, Dusk Stone, and Shiny Stones. I could use other evolve items:
Reaper Cloth


New Member
I have every TM in game could I trade you one for Deoxys also i got other stuff


New Member
I don't need TMs, sorry.


New Member
What are the levels/natures/stats of the Moltres and shiny Milotic? The level 80 jirachi is trained, I have NO idea what his EVs are but these are his stats:
281 HP
212 Attack
198 Defense
163 Special Attack
187 Special Defense
197 Speed


Completing The Trio
would you want any of these

shiny treecko
shiny voltorb
shiny swablu
shiny golbat
shiny poochyena
shiny torkoal


New Member
What's the nature/level of the shiny voltorb?


Angel of Mercy
Milotic is a Quirky Nature, Level 70, bad EVs but I can Remedy that with Berries (which will take extra time)
Stats (with EVs)
HP 236
ATK 110
DEF 133
SpA 164
SpD 197
SPD 134

Without EVs it is:
HP 234
ATK 107
DEF 131
SpA 164
SpD 195
SPD 131

Moltres isn't shiny but he is:
Rash Level 50, Untouched
HP 162
ATK 117
DEF 105
SpA 146
SpD 92
SPD 103

Let me know...



New Member
kirk- no thanks, I'm not interested in the voltorb
cloud- I'll take the Milotic, not the moltres. Which guy do you want for it? I'll go ahead and clone.


Angel of Mercy
Do you want the EVs erased? (if so, we'll have to trade tomorrow, cuz I already Pal Parked today >_<)

If not, then uhhh, I guess I'll take... dang, it's a hard decision...

How was the Latias obtained? You gotta be darn lucky to get it for your running Poke... if it's Southern Island then I don't want it (did they ever do that event in the States? If it's a legit event, then I'll take it)

Otherwise, I'd like to know Jirachi's stats when he has no EVs... I might take him...

If I don't want the Jirachi after seeing its non-EV stats, then I'll go with the Pikachu...

if Impish Jirachi has a 31 DEF/SpDEF IV then I'll take it over the Latias...

Darn, I'm so indecisive...

Let me know...



New Member
ok... Saving game...
Latias was obtained from Southern Island. Southern island is a legit event, I unlocked it myself by going to Pokemon Center (now Nintendo World) in NYC.

That was a lot of berries...
Jirachi's IV's:
Jirachi, Impish LvL80 - HP: 267 (22/0) | Atk: 167 (3/0) | Def: 187 (7/0) | Sp.Atk: 152 (5/0) | Sp.Def: 180 (19/0) | Spd: 186 (27/0)

I'm assuming you want the pikachu lol. I'll go clone him.


God of Thunder
I have a shining Magikarp, which I'm gonna nickname right now. Would you trade it for the shining Eevee?


New Member
Bandakarp :) Yes I'll trade shiny Eevee for it.


God of Thunder
Alright then, lemme just head over to the Pokemon Center right now.

Also, on an unrelated note, I guess this will be a trade bewtween the Erick's, huh? xD


New Member
Ok, I'm ready, I'll meet you in Wifi.


Angel of Mercy
Thanks a bunch for the trade!

I don't know what went on with our connections at first but I'm glad it ended out good...

And yea, my Milotic is legit XD it was the first Shiny I ever caught in 3rd gen, I had just discovered my hidden Feebas spot and decided to hoarde them, and the 3rd one popped out with a sparkle...

Thanks again...



Angel of Mercy
Thanks a bunch for the trade!

I don't know what went on with our connections at first but I'm glad it ended out good...

And yea, my Milotic is legit XD it was the first Shiny I ever caught in 3rd gen, I had just discovered my hidden Feebas spot and decided to hoarde them, and the 3rd one popped out with a sparkle...

Thanks again...
