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Shocks & Bonds! (405)


Geodude, it was Disable, I believe, used by Venomoth, that got Torkoal out of Iron Defense. Golduck had nothing to do with it.







Hyuuga. :0

He... *explode*

Okay, let's sum him up. He's hot. He has a frikking conductor's... stick... thing. He has a Pokemon that has been seriously screwed over in the anime. He has a Pokemon that was basically a big kick in the teeth for Ash. (Didn't notice Ash commenting on Charizard... :p Strange. XD!)

And... he's frikking voiced by Akira Ishita, only the BEST SEIYUU EVER. IN THE WORLD. EVER. God, his voice makes me melt. ;o; First heard it in Neon Genesis Evangelion, where he voiced Kaworu. Then heard it again in DN Angel and Meine Liebe, and it never fails in making me weak at the knees. *melt*

HOT. *_*

...Oh, and Keade deserves a big hug. I mean, Venomoth! And she kept switching Pokemon out, and Ash was stupid enough to keep Pokemon like Pikachu in! (Although, it would have been a tad stupid if they kept on changing... XD)

And I'm looking forward to the next, hopefully battle-filled episode. This one seemed a little... rushed. I guess that's the problem with having three battles in one episode. (Although, I think they should have gotten rid of the boring Tetsuya thing and gave more time to Hyuuga... :p)

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Yay, Dugtrio makes his return to the spot light shows us Arena Trap. Not mention shows Pikachu why it's one of the best Pokemon around. Take that Pika.

Conductor guy, meh. Considering I only got still shots of him, he wasn't all that impressive. Granted his Quilava is the first time we've seen one since the last league. But, I don't know.


*sighs* I got to see my wonderful Tracey! And I finally get to see Sceptile in action (It's about freakin' time)...Anyways...


-Is it just me or does the guy from this recent episode look like the guy with the Blastoise in Ring Masters???


Cybercubed said:
Well it could either be the same guy or the animators are reusing old character designs again.

...And the dude in this episode *did* have a Blastoise. o.o It was seen on the screen that he had one, along with Tetsuya's Donphan. @.@



*swoons for Noland*
Golden Darkness said:
Pikachu is defeated, and Ash sends out Glalie.

Was this as good as or better than watching Pikachu get its tail handed to him in Flannery's fight?

Also, any idea what Keade's last Pokemon will be?
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Almighty Zard

He has returned.
i have a question why was May blushing when they were talking about Keade, and then looked disapointed for some reason, is Keade a coordinator as well or something?

Factory Head Noland

I just watched this episode.

I really didn't expect to see a Destiny Bond here, it was such a surprise and Glalie was doing quite well aswell...

I really don't like that trainer, she is always changing her Pokemon for type advantage which really annoyed me! Changed Venomoth for Golduck when battling Torkoal, Golduck for Dugtrio when battling Pikachu, just stop it!

Who says that Swellow will be down and out in next weeks episode? That thing has a lot of power, ever heard of substituting a Pokemon? (I tell ya, that female trainer sure has...cow).

The battle between Ash and Harry Potter sure was weird, Quilava was beaten so easily by a few Pound attack, Grovyle was beaten quite easily I think even though it did get hit by a few Heat Wave attacks from Charizard. It was great to see Glalie use Double Team, we haven't seen that since it was a Snorunt.

Overall 9/10
Great episode, lots of battling, no "Advanced Adventure" which is a let down and the female trainer annoyed me with her constant switching!

~Bayleef~ ;153; ;362;

V Faction

I haven't watched the Episode yet, but from the pictures I saw I can say that Kaeda is my favorite trainer. That's putting it mildly. She plays exactly like a real trainer would, using switch-outs and unique attacks. I'm sure it will be envigorating to watch.

For some clarrification, was it Dugtrio's Arena Trap that caught Pikachu or was it a Sand Tomb attack? And what attack did it use to combat Pikachu's Iron Tail?

The group also seemed impressed with Detect, even so much as to give it a flashback.
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NW Tourney Winner
There! Are you Pikachu haters happy, he lost! Tons of people were gonna hate the fact that Pikachu won if he did. Stupid haters U_U


Well-Known Member
Alfonso said:
Geodude, it was Disable, I believe, used by Venomoth, that got Torkoal out of Iron Defense. Golduck had nothing to do with it.
Oh...um, right. I knew that. :p

Almighty Zard said:
i have a question why was May blushing when they were talking about Keade, and then looked disapointed for some reason, is Keade a coordinator as well or something?
What happened there was, Max was about to check his Pokenav for info on Kaede (apparently he somehow downloaded info on the League trainers to it), but Brock first checked some sort of guidebook of his, saying that all the needed info was in it (or something like that). But the "info" turned out to be only about Kaede herself, not her Pokemon or battle style or whatever. It was a book about the cute girls in the tournament. :p May and Max are blushing in reaction to realizing what the book was about.
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Hyuuga IS awesome. Funny how a baton(or "conductor's... stick... thing" as Alfonso calls them :p) both looks like a magic wand(when the bulb that the conductor holds onto is hidden from view, anyway) and is something that you wouldn't associate with being a Pokemon trainer. Sure, he looks like Harry Potter(hmm, I wonder if his dub name will be Harry...), but he's still damn cool. His voice sounds oddly familiar, though...
He also seems to have his own cheerleaders; is there some sort of service that provides trainers with their own cheerleading squad in the Pokemon world? There seems to be quite a few trainers that have them...either that, or trainers attract fangirls easily.

-May and Max seemed oddly optimistic when Hyuuga sent out his Pokemon - weren't they at all worried about Ash's type disadvantidge?
-Hyuuga says something about a concert(a full translation of that line would be appreciated) shortly before he starts battling. Makes sense, since he acts like a conductor and all...
-Quilava's Flame Wheel actually involves it rolling around as if it were a wheel while being surrounded by flames. That's certainly better than just having it surrounded by flames.
-Heh, that pic of Grovyle in front of Glalie from the preview was just when the two got up after being attacked.
-Grovyle used Slam(either that, or Pound) for the first time in AGES.
-The backshot of Grovyle when Charizard turned around from a Steel Wing attack made me realized that we usually only get a front or side view of Grovyle.(and for good reason - Grovyle looks WEIRD when viewed from the back)
-Huh. The ice stalagmites create by Glalie's Ice Beam can withstand a flamethrower.
-The look on Charizard's face is PRICELESS when Glalie starts bouncing around faster.
-Glalie is officially AWESOME. It will never be Snorunt, but it doesn't have to - it's fine as it is.
-Things like this make me wonder...how do they clear out the battling fields for the next round in a reasonable amount of time? I mean, they must have the field being frozen, majorly cracked, etc. all the time! Oddly enough, the field seemed to be fine in the scene where Ash & co. were talking after his victory(which couldn't have been TOO long after he had won)
-Sceptile looks great in anime form(it's quite slim considering how big it is, and the tree-thing on its tail(or should I say, IS its tail) and yellow seed-things on its back were done well), although something about its head doesn't seem right...I think it's the ridges. It's voice sounds like how I originally thought Grovyle's JP voice would sound(only higher-pitched), ie. not bad at all. Although it's not as awesome as Grovyle's actual JP voice.
-Pokemon Symponic Medley played during the episode for no apparent reason: after TR got their food, through a bunch of random scenes that had no purpose(including a shot of the room where everyone was sleeping, Masamune and Ash practice battling, May and Tetsuya doing what I presume was shopping, Max trying to stop Gonbe from eating two girl's ice creams, Ash and Masamune having a swimming race), and ending with a shot of Masamune, Ash, and all of their Pokemon panning up to show a nightime view of the city.
-Interesting...Ash, Max, May, Brock, Masamune, and Testuya all sleep in the same room.
-And we get another series of shots of Delia(who was caring for her Mr.Mime, who was apparently ill), Misty(who just so happened to walk by a randomly placed TV on a wall), and Prof. Oak & Tracey(who were carrying books around).
-No more commentary from me ATM. 9:20 PM is too late to be typing up long posts any longer :p


Juputoru: Hyuuga was voiced by Ikari Ishita, a rather famous and popular Japanese seiyuu, who has done a lot of famous anime series. Kaworu from Neon Genesis, Satoshi from DN Angel... so it's not a total shock you think you've heard him before.



I've put some pictures of him in the picture thread. Go look.
Teppo said:
Did Misdreavus use Perish Song? or maybe Futuresight, though the former makes more sense. Anyways, yay for Kanto and Johto shafted pokes! ^o^

Nah, it used desting bond.

Top 4 good things about this episode

4. The showcasing of pokemon like Quilava and Misdreavus.
3. The fact that Kaede isn't what you call a 'nice' type of trainer.
2. Glalie KOing THREE opponents in one episode. (although it got knocked out with the final one)
1. Pikachu being KOed without KOing anyone. HOORAY!

Pokemon Fan

Knuckle Trainer
Teppo said:
Sceptile's design is nice. He would have owned the Aggron anyways.. type advantage.. Tetsuya has a Donphan. :0 And another cel of Misty. omyg.
Steel is strong defensively against Grass though, so Aggron is technically neautral to Grass, just a technicality. Regardless, Sceptile in the anime definately has an advantage in speed and agility.

So exactly what did Sceptile sound like? Juputoru seemed to indicate the voice is like Grovyle's Japanese voice but higher-pitched, which is odd as voices tend to get a bit lower when Pokemon evolve, though different Grovyle and Sceptile would of course sound different.

The last battle is hopefully going to be slightly longer than the one in the begenning. Did Misdreavus use Perish Song? or maybe Futuresight, though the former makes more sense. Anyways, yay for Kanto and Johto shafted pokes! ^o^
Destiny Bond to take Glalie with it a moment before it fell unconscious.

Really guys, I know you're happy to see Pikachu lose but it's not like that has never happened before. I'd say all things considered there was probably no way it could of won. Even if the Arena Trap ability didn't come into play (don't know how the anime could show that, can you imagine a Trapinch keeping a Rhydon from leaving battle?), Sand Tomb (I assume ti was using that) also traps the foe. Pikachu couldn't shock it, couldn't leave the battle, and due to the shifting sand its speed and agility was worthless.

I don't want Ash to be switching around much, it's not his style, but I still hope he'll switch out at least once during the next episode to show Kaede he can fight that way to. Really Ash has never faught anyone like her before, a trainer that so rapidly and effectively changes from one pokemon to another for the sake of type advantage (Gary and Ash have done so in the past but to let their Pokemon rest, usually not for type advantage) and deliver techniques that hurt you even if you beat one of her Pokemon. Truly awesome trainer, I wonder if she'll appear again outside the battle. Probably not though, she'll just be another female trainer who made a deep impression on the field but was never seen outside it (i.e Jeanette Fisher with the super Bellsprout back in Kanto).
Damm, its Balance of power again. I mean Torkoal did a good thing then got knocked out straight away by a few attacks! I hate the people who make the show. But its still some spotlight though.

~Seems Good however Torkoal didn't get much screentime though~


Contaminated KFC
What I enjoyed most about Ash's battle against Hyuuga , was the fact that often, both pokémon on each opposing side were used in conjunction and singled out a single opponent, like when Glalie and Grovyle took on Quilava near the begining off the fight. In the other battles we've had so far, they never actually did that sort of thing, and just had two pokémon square off against each other, not actually working together. It wasn't occuring 100% of the time, and the battle was pretty short, but I felt it was more thought out than those in previous episodes *shrugs*
Although, it was a shame that Quilava was taken out of the battle first. I'd have liked to have seen the fiery hedgehog go on a little bit longer. Although, I was very impressed by how Flame Wheel is now animated. Thats how it SHOULD have looked from the start.

Sceptile's voice made me laugh. Totally unexpected, high pitched voice. Hillarious.

...seriously, what the HELL do these writers have against Torkoal. It barely even put up a fight, and the damage that Golduck did to it was pretty damn brutal. Torkoal had better get some freakin' justice later, because now its just getting frustrating >_>
Although, I supposed Pikachu getting its *** kicked makes up for it a little. Its not the fact that it was totally thrashed that I liked, but the way that the thrashing was handled. Pulling it down to its doom into a sand pit was awesome.
I liked the way that Kaeda switched her pokémon quickly to attain the type or strategy she needed. One of the few trainers in the animé to actually follow the sort of strategy used in the games. Although, the way the majority of her battled consisted of one hit KOs really sucked. I mean...a headbutt and Misdreavus faints? WTF was that? I wanted to see it fight!

But overall it was a fairly decent episode, the most redeeming aspects being the first battle, the intro of the amusingly-voiced Sceptile and some decent oppenents. The second battle was a letdown and seemed too rushed, and again, could have been lengthened by removing some unessicary scenes in the middle of the episode. Did we really need to see everyone going about their day of training and shopping around? Geeze...


Does that voice actor also voice Athrun from Gundam Seed? I'm sure it was his voice.