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Shocks & Bonds! (405)



I can't say much of this episode since I seen only the pictures, but I see Ash is having trouble with Keade. At the look of things, Ash is on pressure with one of the things I enjoy! Lots of switching around, man what is up with that. I think she's scared to face type disadvantagement!
To be what comes around goes around, even though Keade is switiching Pokemon for type advantage. She gonna find out the hard way, because obviously I think Ash won since there is more Hoenn Leagues episodes coming!


Custom Torkoal 01
V Faction said:
Of all its defeats though, this certainly was the funniest! Golduck sent that thing flyin'!

Yes, i gotta say it's better than just fainting on the spot :p but Torkoal needs justice!


This episode was awesome!! I love the battle with Ash and the guy with Charizard and Quilava! It was awesome when Grovyle ran past Quilava, catching it off guard, and then Glalie used Headbutt to hit Quilava, KOing it. I'm glad Pikachu lost that battle against Dugtrio, it needed to. Pikachu wins against all Rock and Ground types usually, it was nice for a change. Next episodes seems awesome though, the climax of that battle with the Dugtrio/Golduck/Misdreavus girl.

BTW: Someone asked why Sceptile's eyes were glowing when it was dodging Aggron's Metal Claw. Sceptile was using Detect, a move that is like protect and keeps you from getting hit.

V Faction

Geki said:
BTW: Someone asked why Sceptile's eyes were glowing when it was dodging Aggron's Metal Claw. Sceptile was using Detect, a move that is like protect and keeps you from getting hit.
You're a little with that Tex.

Now someone answer my stupid Dugtrio question!

V Faction said:
For some clarrification, was it Dugtrio's Arena Trap that caught Pikachu or was it a Sand Tomb attack? And what attack did it use to combat Pikachu's Iron Tail?


Custom User Title
It was a sand tomb attack. It then moved in for a double-edge as Satoshi ordered Pikachu to use iron tail.
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This episode was awesome!! I love the battle with Ash and the guy with Charizard and Quilava! It was awesome when Grovyle ran past Quilava, catching it off guard, and then Glalie used Headbutt to hit Quilava, KOing it. I'm glad Pikachu lost that battle against Dugtrio, it needed to. Pikachu wins against all Rock and Ground types usually, it was nice for a change. Next episodes seems awesome though, the climax of that battle with the Dugtrio/Golduck/Misdreavus girl.

Um, actually it was Grovyle's slam that KOed Quilava. And yes, it was a real pleasure watching Pikachu faint.


Alfonso said:
He's hot...
Alfonso said:
he's frikking voiced by Akira Ishita, his voice makes me melt, and it never fails in making me weak at the knees. *melt*

HOT. *_*

... man... are you gay?? "He's hot"... WTF???? sorry but... wtf????


DaRk_NiNjA said:
... man... are you gay?? "He's hot"... WTF???? sorry but... wtf????

...You sir, can Shut The F*ck Up. I'm frikking Bi, not that it's any of your f*cking business. I'm totally in my rights to comment on Hyuuga in such a manner, and if you don't like it, tough.

And if I was gay, dammit. What the hell is wrong with that? Keep your homophobia to yourself, please. Now go away and w*nk over your pictures of Misty, and leave people like myself in peice. *draws a really OMG HAWT GAY HYUUGA X TOMONO PICTURE*
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So hot he's on fire.
...man....are you a f*cking loser?

WTF yourself, dumbass. Go elsewhere if you wanna complain about someone's sexual preferences.

He's so hot he's even got RL guys after him! :3 Yey! XD
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Factory Head Noland

DaRk_NiNjA said:
... man... are you gay?? "He's hot"... WTF???? sorry but... wtf????

That was just a crep thing to say, so what if he was gay?! He's bi and there's nothing wrong with that, Alfonso can think what he wants. Don't offend my buddies!!
If you want to then I suggest you take your n00bish-ness to another forum! We don't need the likes of you here!
Some people here are straight, gay and bi but there's no need to be so nasty about it!
I think you should apologise....

BTW it was Grovyle's Pound attack that took out Quilava. We haven't seen it for a while...
It was a pity about Torkoal being taken out with Hydro Pump..gotta feel sorry for it.


Alfonso said:
...You sir, can Shut The F*ck Up. I'm frikking Bi, not that it's any of your f*cking business. I'm totally in my rights to comment on Hyuuga in such a manner, and if you don't like it, tough.

And if I was gay, dammit. What the hell is wrong with that? Keep your homophobia to yourself, please. Now go away and w*nk over your pictures of Misty, and leave people like myself in peice. *draws a really OMG HAWT GAY HYUUGA X TOMONO PICTURE*
ok... but I just ask it cuz in you "location" is "Inside Roxanne. OH YES. :0" and when you said that about Hyuuga, I thought you were joking or you thought hyuuga was a girl... and I dont have homophobia, cuz my grandfather is bi also... I just thought you were joking, is just it...

And btw, I w*nk over may's pics... lol
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~Bayleef~ said:
That was just a crep thing to say, so what if he was gay?! He's bi and there's nothing wrong with that, Alfonso can think what he wants. Don't offend my buddies!!
If you want to then I suggest you take your n00bish-ness to another forum! We don't need the likes of you here!
Some people here are straight, gay and bi but there's no need to be so nasty about it!
I think you should apologise....

BTW it was Grovyle's Pound attack that took out Quilava. We haven't seen it for a while...
It was a pity about Torkoal being taken out with Hydro Pump..gotta feel sorry for it.
Like I type above... I was just joking, cuz I tought he was Joking either... and if apologising makes you feel better, I'm sorry...


~Bayleef~ said:
That was just a crep thing to say, so what if he was gay?! He's bi and there's nothing wrong with that, Alfonso can think what he wants. Don't offend my buddies!!
If you want to then I suggest you take your n00bish-ness to another forum! We don't need the likes of you here!
Some people here are straight, gay and bi but there's no need to be so nasty about it!
I think you should apologise....

BTW it was Grovyle's Pound attack that took out Quilava. We haven't seen it for a while...
It was a pity about Torkoal being taken out with Hydro Pump..gotta feel sorry for it.
Like I type above... I was just joking, cuz I tought he was Joking either... and if apologising makes you feel better, I'm sorry... If you want to bann me... just bann!!! Cuz I thought he was straight, and he was kidding about Hyuuga...

Sorry for the double post...
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So hot he's on fire.
Great job triple-posting, wankjob.

Trust me. Announcing to the world who you wank over....bad idea. *learned* ....now if you'll excuse me, I have Brawly pics to tend to. *wanders off with a long something in her hand*

V Faction

Enough please. I personally don't give a **** who or what people choose as their sexual preference, but this thread is not intended for that discussion.

Heracross said:
It was a sand tomb attack. It then moved in for a double-edge as Satoshi ordered Pikachu to use iron tail.
Thanks H. Double-Edge... Can it be that they forgot the precious yellow glow already.


Phantom_Bugsy said:
Great job triple-posting, wankjob.

Trust me. Announcing to the world who you wank over....bad idea.

Sorry for the triple-posting... and about w*nk... I was just kidding... Its looks like I cant say nothing...

Almighty Zard

He has returned.
blaziken's_charizard said:
hmm............i wonder if that Kaebe girl has a Blaziken?................................great episode ash is in bad state/:D

look it could be a Snorlax for all i care, whatever it is, Grovyle, Corphish, or Swellow will have the honor of crushing it.

charizard trainer #1

Ready to lose???
I wonder how Ash will defeat Kaebe (is that her name). It is obvious he's going to win (been said before). I reckon to stir things up she might have a ghost pokemon or a dark pokemon. Just have to wait and see...

Phantom Bugsy, Dark Ninja and Alfonso... you guys should apologise (well not so much Alfonso). You guys could get in trouble.