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Shocks & Bonds! (405)


Meowth fanatic
We got Sceptile's debut here, but I would have liked if it had at least done something important. Katie was a good opponent for Ash since she managed to shut down his strategies fast.


This was a very good episode. And as the Hoenn League continues, it seems like each episode just keeps getting better and better. Oh, and Clark looks a lot like Harry Potter. Heh, I'm glad they didn't call him Harry. Anyway, I can't think of much else to say about this episode, other than Ash's battle was good and so were the other two battles that we got to see. And overall, this was a great episode, with some awesome battles in it. :)


Hyuuga owning a Lizardon and a Magmarashi stunned me, because I thought his design implied that he'd use Flying-types. What I loved was that despite Satoshi's two Pokemon having a disadvantage, he won by outwitting his opponent. I also liked how Kaede was using underrated Kanto Pokemon, such as Dugtrio and Morphon.


I wish that guy had Typhlosion instead of Quilava :/ Seemed like a good chance for Ash to get a good look at one

Satoshi's opponent owning a Magmarashi was fine with me since him owning its evolved form might've been overkill considering that he was already using a fully evolved Fire-type Starter here (Lizardon).


I call you honey
I had been waiting for Sceptile's first anime appearance for a long time. Its voice is not what I expected though. I hope Ash gets Morrison to pull himself together because Morrison seems emo now.
Ash vs Clark was decent enough, not much of note to say about it. And did I hear wrong or did May want to try a burrito made out of peanut butter and cactus? Sounds stupid lol. Torkoal got no love in the match against Katie, but Pikachu getting knocked out that quickly? This Katie girl meant business and her Misdreavus used Destiny Bond in such a cheap way.
Swampert sleeps :) YOU AND ME AND POKEMON
Glalie is a beast for taking out Charizard. Glalie>Greninja confirmed
Ash is an idiot for not switching out Torkoal or Pikachu, but super Glalie saves the day and then gets taken out by Destiny Bond.
Katie is smart for using Disable, switching out, and using Destiny Bond (which looks super cool)