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Virtual Chatot

Circa 2006
Hello and welcome to my shop, Read the rules and I'll get it done ^^

-Happy Requesting

Shop is Currently: In Sleep Mode
While the shop is in Sleep Mode, I am not on the computer at the moment but Would like for you to request anyways, go ahead and request but don' expect the request to get done soon.
While the Shop is Open, I am on the computer and ready to take requests, you can expect them to get done within the hour
While the Shop is Closed, I am not taking requests and if you do request it will be rejected

1. No Spamming
2. Dont request if you wont use
3. Always give credit
4. Copy and Paste the forms

Banned List



Color Type:

Base Pokemon:
2nd Pokemon

Usebar Animation
Animation: (Door, Squish, Right, Left)

Pokemon Trainer and Pokemon
Trainer Sprite: (Stephen, D/P Boy, Brock, Ect)
Background: (Link)

(Pokemon TC's Only)
TC Version: (Optional)
Text: (Optional)

Siamese Pokemon
Inward or Outward:

Taller or shorter Sprites
Pokemon or Trainer:
Taller or Shorter:

Fast Pokemon

iPod Pokemon
Background Color:

Glitter Text

Color of Background:

Read This!!
I am looking for a TC maker, Banner maker, Animator, White-be-goner, Wallpaper Maker, and userbar maker.

Last edited:

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
Read This!!
I am looking for a TC maker, Banner maker, Animator, White-be-goner, Wallpaper Maker, and userbar maker.

I can make, tc's and I have my own template. And very simple simple banners. I can also do most sprites.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Banner person here.

Form! Use or get attacked by the Jirachi's of doom!

Background: MUST provide link or color. No link=auttomaticily banned from requesting from me. I.E. "Thunder background plz" Banned. Broke 2 rules. Second one'll be explained later.
Pokemon: (Say if shiny)
Trainer: Link or just say.

My rules!
1. Use correct English. No u, 2, b, bcuz, 4, plz, ppl, LOL or anything like that. Brake it=Warning.
2. Don't rush me! Brake it=Banned for a day.
3. Nothing I can't do! Brake it=Banned for a week.
4. 1 request per post.
5. Request!

~Banned~ AKA The idiots who don't know how to read.
No one. 10 more people and I quit.