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Short and (i hope) funny comics!

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
This is the first time i make a pokemon comic, so it may be a bit crappy, but i hope you at least find it a little fun.

I'll make more later.

And yeah, i wont keep to one or a number of persons, and i wont keep some kind of connection between the comics, the are just small jokes.

I also beg you pardon for my grammar. Im 13 years old and swedish.

Anyway, here they are:

first comic

second comic

third comic, Phoenix lord did it after my instructions

fourth comic!

fifth comic, thanks to malachite treecko for finding the sprite of Kyogre with open mouth! (underwater pics of fishing rod made by me)

6th comic. Christmas special! Worst this far IMO! (Santa Claus sprite made by me)

7th comic (read the 4th comic first), textbox = Shooting stars speech bubbles.

Aand.. finally! The 8th comic! Thanks to Flamingoozaru for spriting it!

As i said, there is more to come!

I have problem with photoshop, i need someone to sprite if i should be able to continue the comic!
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Well-Known Member
Fun, but short.


Team Leichi Boss Man
:\ you definitly said it, it is fairly funny, but i can't really grade it on originality. it's pretty much just game sprites to your commentary and dialog. :3 but at least it's not dirty humor and littered with curses. XD eh, it's okay. it could be alot better


The Cool One
Its kinda funny 8/10 , but why is Rayquaza black first then green and why do u have diffrent size on the boxes??


You remind me of P-man the kid that got hacked, you're style is just the same as his therefore good. : P

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Its kinda funny 8/10 , but why is Rayquaza black first then green and why do u have diffrent size on the boxes??
Rayquaza is hidden in shadows at the first pic, and the boxes size difference is because it has to contain a different lot of things.

The text is a bit weird and does not really fit into the speech bubbles, that some kind of computer bug i have to fix.

But i have ideas for at least two more comics!


What on Earth how are they gonna get out of this one


Tails the Bouyzel
6/10 You spelled Treecko wrong...

Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
This is the first time i make a pokemon comic, so it may be a bit crappy, but i hope you at least find it a little fun.
Don´t worry, we were all beginners at some time
I'll make more later.
That´s good to know, but I wouldn´t be so sure
And yeah, i wont keep to one or a number of persons, and i wont keep some kind of connection between the comics, the are just small jokes.
So, they will be random characters, won´t they?
I also beg you pardon for my grammar. Im 13 years old and swedish.
No excuse. I´m 13, and Argentinian, but my grammar isn´t bad
I found it funny, but you had some grammar errors:
-Panel 1: All the sentences must start capitalized in every language, as far as I know; "I" always go capitalized;Pokémon names go capitalized, "Poochyena" in this case
-Panel 3: "Poochyena´s" not "poochyenas"
-Panel 4: "Treecko" not "Treeko"
As i said, there is more to come!
Again, I wouldn´t be so sure. Many beginners leave their first comics quite quickly

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Don´t worry, we were all beginners at some time

That´s good to know, but I wouldn´t be so sure

So, they will be random characters, won´t they?

No excuse. I´m 13, and Argentinian, but my grammar isn´t bad

I found it funny, but you had some grammar errors:
-Panel 1: All the sentences must start capitalized in every language, as far as I know; "I" always go capitalized;Pokémon names go capitalized, "Poochyena" in this case
-Panel 3: "Poochyena´s" not "poochyenas"
-Panel 4: "Treecko" not "Treeko"

Again, I wouldn´t be so sure. Many beginners leave their first comics quite quickly
I have all the panels for the next comic, but i have computer trouble so i cant post them.

I have ideas for at least two more comics.

Andi think being 13 years old and swedish is a good excuse. You may just be good at english grammar.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes.