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Short/One-Shot Manga Discussion Thread


Froggy Friend
I hope I'm posting in the right thread, because I have a kinda small question.

I've been looking around for a book; It's a hard cover book that's pink and has Pikachu on it. I vaguely remember the story in the book revolving around Pikachu going through a city haunted by a ghost lady (I think it was city, could be wrong.) I believe there was also Charmander and Jigglypuff and they could talk in English. (Again, could be wrong about the two other pokemon with Pikachu, but I know for sure it was in English.) It was fairly thick of a book as well.

I'm only asking this here because I can't remember if the series had more than 5 books, seeing as though the Library that had them only had 5 of them. So can someone help me out and shoot me the name of the book?

Gamzee Makara

Flirtin' With Disaster
I hope I'm posting in the right thread, because I have a kinda small question.

I've been looking around for a book; It's a hard cover book that's pink and has Pikachu on it. I vaguely remember the story in the book revolving around Pikachu going through a city haunted by a ghost lady (I think it was city, could be wrong.) I believe there was also Charmander and Jigglypuff and they could talk in English. (Again, could be wrong about the two other pokemon with Pikachu, but I know for sure it was in English.) It was fairly thick of a book as well.

I'm only asking this here because I can't remember if the series had more than 5 books, seeing as though the Library that had them only had 5 of them. So can someone help me out and shoot me the name of the book?

A Magical Pokémon Journey Vol 2 or 3 Special Edition copy, I think. It isn't a one-shot, so wrong thread.


Froggy Friend
A Magical Pokémon Journey Vol 2 or 3 Special Edition copy, I think. It isn't a one-shot, so wrong thread.
Ehhhh doesn't really seem like what I talking about from the cover, you got a link to a site that will let me read those ones just to make sure if it is either book or not?

The covers to those books you suggested seem a bit to cutesy for the book I was talking about. The ghost lady in the book is a character exclusive to that one book so that might be more of a help to find said book. There's not a whole lot of Pokemon books that are hard cover so I dunno if it should be this hard to find the book. :/

I honestly don't know if I'm posting in the right thread or not because I literally can't find ANY info on the book I'm looking for online. I'd probably have a better bet finding more info on the book running down to the school that had it and just buying it off really.

Manga Reader X

Well-Known Member
Ehhhh doesn't really seem like what I talking about from the cover, you got a link to a site that will let me read those ones just to make sure if it is either book or not?
Linking to scans / scanlations is against the rules, which you would have known if you had bothered reading them when you signed up.

Could it be the library edition of (The Electric Tale of Pikachu volume 4) Surf's Up, Pikachu?
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Would Like To Battle
I've always been fascinated by obscure manga. I actually own a one-shot that was only released in Japan, Pokémon Zensho!
It's a pretty straight forward adaptation of Red & Green, but with some pretty neat additions. Some characters like Sabrina get bigger roles and I think it's the only official Pokémon story where a counterpart to Red has a Pikachu that actually evolves.
I didn't like the art style at first, but it has grown on me.


Beyond repair
A few days ago, I found a REAL rarity, while browsing through a Japanese blog.

One of the books shown there (probably the one titled "Pokemon Gold/Silver Official Fan Book") apparently includes a long-lost one-shot manga based on GS, drawn by... Kagemaru Himeno, the famous Pokemon Card illustrator and the author of "How I Become Pokemon Card"! Here's its title page (the only scan of it available in the Internet)

Impressive, isn't it? This version of Ethan looks pretty cool, I must say.

I wonder how many other gems like this are still hidding from us... And some of them will probably never be discovered... I wanted to open a new thread for rarities, since this is a quite big discovery, but I think this one works just fine.

I wonder if we'll ever see the entirety of this manga...


Beyond repair
Oh, awesome!
I've never seen it. It'll be great if you scanned it (I hope admins don't mind it, as it's long-lost stuff, impossible to buy anymore).

What CoroCoro issue does it come from?


New Member
OK cool. Hey Maxim Pm me directly if you can? would rather chat via email or skype i dont get on here much
I heard about this short manga release that happened in Corocoro oh so long go called "The Heroes Of Fire And Thunder", and it was a short manga adaption of the BW games. Unfortunately I've never had the proper chance to read it since it was all in Japanese and I can't understand it, but it seemed to be pretty cool from what Bulbapedia said. Apparently N was shown as a little more antagonistic than in the games or PokeSpe, which was an interesting idea. There was also something about Alder, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was. Shame it never got an English release...

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
It's a pretty interesting one. I wouldn't say N is more antagonistic, since he even travels together with the main character for a while and has a badass cape that he gives to a cold pokemon, but he's the actual Plasma boss rather than a figurehead.

It also has humor pretty similar to DPA, even down to a grunt with exaggerated features (in this case a very sharp face).


Well, since Horizon has gotten two thread and both go unactive, no point on bumping them (I think it's against the rules as well).

Anyway, my copy of volume 1 arrived last week. Not much to say about it, since it looks you average sports/boys anime with all its typical tropes but I noticed something weird:

You might recall when the manga started coming out on CoroCoro that there was a scene with a cameo by Ash with his XY gear. However, the compilation doesn't. They just put two random trainers on his place.

I wonder why making such edits since I'm fairly sure the publisher can use pokémon franchise characters in a pokémon mangá.

BenLee really not taken

Hey everyone, Bhrjr here.
I heard Pokémon Horizon ended at 2nd volume, when the first volume had 5 chapters. Was the manga cancelled?
Edit: Probably was, unable to survive for long just like single every other non-special mangas
Oh, and there was also a one-shot for Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, which had 18 panels.
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Well, since Horizon has gotten two thread and both go unactive, no point on bumping them (I think it's against the rules as well).

Anyway, my copy of volume 1 arrived last week. Not much to say about it, since it looks you average sports/boys anime with all its typical tropes but I noticed something weird:

You might recall when the manga started coming out on CoroCoro that there was a scene with a cameo by Ash with his XY gear. However, the compilation doesn't. They just put two random trainers on his place.

I wonder why making such edits since I'm fairly sure the publisher can use pokémon franchise characters in a pokémon mangá.
I guess it isn't really notable if your aren't a part of the Digimon fandom but the manga was actually drawn Tenya Yabuno who also draw the Digimon Adventure V-Tamer manga which interestingly predated even the Digimon Adventure anime that came out in '99. Its sort of like Pokemon Special/Adventures in that way. He's art style has evolved since he worked on it but its unmistakable that it his. The relationship between Akira and his Rockruff and very much like Taichi's relationship with Zeromaru the V-dramon. There are other similarities but I leave it there. Having been a fan of both Digimon and Pokemon all my life, It is definitely interesting seeing the franchises intersect in this odd way if anything else.