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Should banned episodes be revived?

There are some pokemon episodes that have been banned due to some reasonable and a little stupid events.Such are:

1.Porygon episode(This is a must revive for porygon fans,although I dont think risking another 856 kids going into seizures is on 4Kids minds)
2.The Safari zone episode(cuz the guys had overused guns...A LOt)And later on we find out ash has 30 tauros for absolutely no reason at all.This is needed for a fix unless they want kids hunting them down for the answer.:/

There are others but I wont mention them due to some questionable content(and I dont wanna ruin my rep dissing them).If you support these episodes being remade into english for people,Thanks.;munchlax;
Well,I wasn't exactly saying"Should these episodes be revived without anything cut so then we can have another seizure outbreak?''No.I meant like removing the "bad" parts and replacing them with more acceptable content.And plus,seriously,just say ash "magically"got 30 Tauros?Thats REALLY stupid.



That was ages ago, and most likely with the animation in Pokemon today, I don't think the editing will match too much. It would be very obvious. We don't want obvious edits, now do we =P

And they have their reasons for being banned, whether they can be edited, or not

~*Myuu the Ryuu*~

The epitome of grace
I think that if they get rid of parts that caused them to be banned, then they could be released (such as the seizure thing gone, the safari episofe free of guns, ect.) Sadly, I doubt anyone will want to see 5+ years old footage, and people have accepted skips into the storyline. No matter how hard you try to make Pokemon all right, there's going to be someone who hates it (Look at some radical Christians, and that lady who got Jynx changed, for starters)
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Well-Known Member
Kanto is over. I was one of the kids with questions. But kids new to the series won't have any, since Tauros is rarely seen.

And, yes, I'd like to see a version of Electric Soldier Porygon slowed down and translated, and aired as "The Lost Episode".
The other banned episodes were banned for a reason. Leave them alone.
Ya.I mean,since like the porygon episode was banned,they nevr showed another porygon,or even metioned it in the story.And,just put the cut episodes on boomerang.they play the old stuff now.So problem fixed.And also,if they did a good job,they could just redo the episodes to fit into the story know.Its a good idea.Fans would love it.

P.S.Thanks a lot 4Kids.You blamed poor helpless Porygon for the seizures by not putting him or his evos in ANY episodes,just to keep the rep of pikachu up.Lousy low lives.

P.S.S I was referring to the episodes I posted up top.I was not referring to the more,Stupid(ya you know who you are"Beauty and the Beach"episode.Thats was downright neeeded for a ban)And if you wish to state another episode for discussion,post it.
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P.S.Thanks a lot 4Kids.You blamed poor helpless Porygon for the seizures by not putting him or his evos in ANY episodes,just to keep the rep of pikachu up.Lousy low lives.
4Kids has NOTHING to do with the production of the anime, they used to edit and dub the series in America.

The whole Porygon episode was full of seizures, not just the scene where Porygon was attacking the anti-virus missiles. If they slowed the seizure scenes down, the episode would look VERY bland. Plus, the tapes were destroyed; literally BURNED. It was banned WORLDWIDE by JAPAN. Don't get your hopes up.

P. S. Thanks alot. Blaming 4Kids for an episode they NEVER got. 8D
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I clearly stated that they should redo the anime for the story line now.Also,Pikachu was the one who shot at the anti-virus missles causing the flashes.But did that stop him from being banned.of course not.but who ever did that,your on my most wanted list.

dark trainer

Well-Known Member
i just wanna see the porygon episode i no it has been banned everyware and porygon has been executed but wy not show it im evil i no mabey i should try the black market its near my house you no.


I clearly stated that they should redo the anime for the story line now.Also,Pikachu was the one who shot at the anti-virus missles causing the flashes.But did that stop him from being banned.of course not.but who ever did that,your on my most wanted list.
Like I said, the WHOLE episode had flashing lights, not just that little particular scene. Such as Porygon changing shape, it taking aim at Matadogasu, and the missiles IN GENERAL (they were already causing flashes that could give someone a seizure, even without being shot at).

And it's called common sense, really. Why the heck would they banned the protagonist's first Pokemon, rather than just avoiding the use of a filler Pokemon that would bring back back memories to the people who suffered from the incident?

For the storyline? People should realise that Pokemon is now is merely an advertisement for the games. They want to focuse on the new stuff, NOT something that happened 9 years ago.
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i don't realy care, i just want them fansubbed, and right now what we got is a subbed (but with dub names) version of the dratini episode, the porigon episode, as well as an uncut dub version of the B&B episode (by using the english audio, but the japanese version w/ sub during cut scenes)! so all thats left is that ice cave episode and all of them will be fansubbed
Well,id like to see the episode cuz it looks funny,but still,it just builds on to james being gay idea(which is HEAVILY enforced so do not ask why cuz most of you know)And anyway if the people had "common sence" they would have seen that pikachu could have made more incidents like this and banned pokemon altogether

p.s.well unlike the other episodes of pokemon i say should be banned cuz of real life events like them,I dont think that the people who had the seziure would EVER watch pokemon again.Like you said,common sense.Also to add,the seizures mostly appered at the anti virus part and that was the major death of it all.

No more stuff for me till tommorrow.I gotta go.

latino heat

Mexican pride
I want to see the Dratini and porygon episode I mean:

The dratini episode was just because of the gun's if they can edit a ball of rice into a sandwitch why the hell can't they edit the gun's.

The porygon episode they could just take out hte siesure part.


The dratini episode was just because of the gun's if they can edit a ball of rice into a sandwitch why the hell can't they edit the gun's.
Of course Satoshi would be frightened by an old man triggering a finger at him! Cause' old men fingering little kids= EWW!

The guns were everywhere. And since they used cel animation at the time the episode was made, paint edits (which are DIGITAL) would look HORRIBLY out of place.
The porygon episode they could just take out hte siesure part.
Do you not read what I write? ;;
Me said:
Like I said, the WHOLE episode had flashing lights, not just that little particular scene.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they should be revived because whoever thought of jynx being stereotypical is crazy, it's like saying pokemon games are sexist(i know a thread that says this). If they bring back the porygon one, edit the flashing scene. I mean, who will complain if a giant tentacruel destroy a building and a tower? Who is going to break down because it reminds them of 9/11?
And why ban the Whiscash episode because of a couple of earthquakes?
I mean come on! What do they think people are? A frail stick?


I mean, who will complain if a giant tentacruel destroy a building and a tower? Who is going to break down because it reminds them of 9/11?
The Dokukurage episode is ONLY banned on KidsWB, which doesn't even air Pokemon anymore. It's been aired in Boomerang and is available on VHS/DVD.
And why ban the Whiscash episode because of a couple of earthquakes?
Because Chuetsu was the deadliest earthquake to ever hit Japan since the Hanshin-Awaji Daishinsai in the 90s? They don't want to be reminded of it.

Though, them possibly airing it now might be alright, but it will be pointless as it's a FILLER in after-Jouto Houen and has the potential of sucking a**?
If they bring back the porygon one, edit the flashing scene.
Me said:
Like I said, the WHOLE episode had flashing lights, not just that little particular scene.
The episode was DESTROYED; literally BURNED and banned worldwide. It can NEVER be brought back legally.