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Should I buy Leaf Green?


First of all I'm not sure all the original 150 Pokemon are catchable on the Diamond/Pearl version so I was thinking I'd buy Leaf Green version and trade them over to D/P when it comes to the US....

But the thing is I realize how similar Leaf Green is to Red/Blue versions, so it could be boring beating that again..

Should I buy this game or does someone have other suggestions?

Sure, go ahead, it has alot of new stuff in it like the Sevii islands, and its a improvement from the original games


Thanks for the quick response,

Another question about it,
How many of the 386 Pokemon are available on it? I'm thinking all of them, (with the exception of the 10-15 or so that are only available in Fire Red) but I may be wrong..
All 150 of the original pokemon except Mew, but for rare ones and starters you'll have to go thrugh a couple times, and the Sevii islands has some Johto pokemon on them


So pretty much I'll need to get either Ruby or Sapphire too, if I want to catch the majority of all 493 after D/P come out?


No I hadn't read that, thanks

mods can close this thread now.., my questions are answered

thanks for help ShinyManafi


LeafGreen! You can't get Vulpix in Firered, I learned that the hard way, bought Firered and figured out there was no vulpix......


You're Illegal
You can't get the bellsprout line or the slowpoke line in any other game, you also can't get sneasel or misdreavus in any other game, so yes, get it.


Well-Known Member
You can't get the bellsprout line or the slowpoke line in any other game, you also can't get sneasel or misdreavus in any other game, so yes, get it.

But you can get WeepinBell in XD and Sneasel and Misdreavus in Colleseum...

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
^^ You forget that not everyone has a Gamecube...


I bought Leaf Green off ebay..cheapest I could find was $17 which came to $20 after shipping but it's okay

and I do have Gamecube at home but right now I live in a dorm and didn't bring it..I also don't have any Pokemon game on Gamecube

thanks for the help though everyone! :)

Legendary Raikou

Well-Known Member
Yes! Buy it its a realy fun game! If you had fun playing Red/Blue, then it should be some good times playing through again but a better more advanced version with more to do!


The thing is, I haven't played Pokemon since Red/Blue came out in 1999. I caught all 150 on Red version and then never really got back into Pokemon til now, so I am in for a surprise with over 200 new Pokemon...

and then when D/P come out, there's gonna be another 100 new ones, its fun with all this new stuff :)


<will eat your kids
you also cant get scizor in leafgreen >_>


Gust of Wind
lg is pretty fun, like graphics and its fun