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should I give Overheat a chance? or should I just stick with Flamethrower?

Flamethrower? or Overheat?

  • stick with good ol' Flamethrower

    Votes: 9 60.0%
  • try Overheat for a change

    Votes: 6 40.0%

  • Total voters


alright, currently I'm training a Fire type (not too important on who exactly) All I can tell you is that it's mostly a physical sweeper

right now, it currently has the following moveset


anyway, should I teach the fire pokemon Flamethrower? or should I use Overheat?

Pros with Flamethrower
- most reliable in terms of PP, Accuracy and Power

Cons for Flamethrower
- I have it on nearly every other firetype I've trained (except for Blaziken and Torkoal)

Pros for Overheat
- really high attack power
- never been used before

Cons for Overheat
- only 5 PP
- only 90 accuracy (not a huge problem really)
- nasty side effect of lowering Special attack
- never been used before


Awesome Guy
EvilKeckleon said:
alright, currently I'm training a Fire type (not too important on who exactly) All I can tell you is that it's mostly a physical sweeper
Telling us what Pokemon it is, is the most important part :/. No one cane give a good suggestion if they don't now what their suggestion is for....


Looks like a camerupt/ magcargo to me. Stick with overheat, it's WAY strong the 1st time, then only a bit weaker than flamethrower the second time.


Pinin' for the fjord
Depends what you want to do. Overheat is great if you have a low Special Attack and think you'll only need it for two turns, since with a White Herb that's all it's really good for.
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White smoke doesn't stop the decrease :/
And I laugh at the idiot who uses white herb just to stop the overheat decrease.

Brute Root

I'm a Christian
I still think Flamethrower, cause yeah, Overheat may be really strong the first time but as ya'll know it gets weaker after every turn.
PDL said:
alright, currently I'm training a Fire type (not too important on who exactly) All I can tell you is that it's mostly a physical sweeper

right now, it currently has the following moveset


anyway, should I teach the fire pokemon Flamethrower? or should I use Overheat?

Pros with Flamethrower
- most reliable in terms of PP, Accuracy and Power

Cons for Flamethrower
- I have it on nearly every other firetype I've trained (except for Blaziken and Torkoal)

Pros for Overheat
- really high attack power
- never been used before

Cons for Overheat
- only 5 PP
- only 90 accuracy (not a huge problem really)
- nasty side effect of lowering Special attack
- never been used before

Overheat or preferable Fire Blast IMO. Its a physical sweeper so it won't last long anyway so power>Accuracy IMO.


u should get over heat because its a sweeper and even tho it gets weaker ever turn u have other strong attacks to use because even if over heat gets weaker the weaker ones can still one hitter quiter any ice bug or grass pkmn


Go with Overheat. You might take out an all important Pokemon with Overheat, rather than do plenty of damage, but not Ko it.

Fire Blast. (Hehe... don't you love it when a multiple of smart people give you the same answer? Obviously, that means GO WITH WHAT THE SMART PEOPLE SAY *Points to *Ryan* and Omastar [Not Omestar Omostar or even Omastir] LOL!)


in the end you decide really. But remember, in a crucial battle, a STAB Overheat (210 base) is stronger than non-stab Self Destruct, and even when its not effective, its still a force to be reckoned with, and I assure you, in the long run you will notice its power and versatility. Go with White Herb as well.

And I laugh at the idiot who uses white herb just to stop the overheat decrease.

although I don't like White Herb, I laugh at YOU. For what else is it good for? Oh la la, a zigzagoon uses growl, and your white herb is waste. If you dislike White Herb PDL, you can always go with Leftovers or something.

Here is the maths arguement:

Flamethrower= 142.5 Base (STABBED)
Fire Blast= 180 Base (STABBED)
Over Heat= 210 Base (STABBED)

first turn + second turn
FT= 285 base
FB= 360 base
Overheat= 315 base (even after stat cut)

therefore flamethrower<overheat<fireblast

so go with fire blast (optimum) and overheat second if you want lasting sweeper power or the option: overheat, which can deliver a fatal blow at the crucial moment (which is why its my Choice Band Blaziken's secret weapon, which few anticipate on a choice band physical sweeper).

EDIT: Come to think of it, Fire Blast is all you need, for most mixed sweepers sway towards the physical stat and therefore an earthquake may still be as strong as Overheat, and there are few cases where your on your last pokemon and your opponent has only one however you are on low health, doesn't happen often at all.
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Carpetted! said:
White smoke doesn't stop the decrease :/
And I laugh at the idiot who uses white herb just to stop the overheat decrease.

lol serebii used it

Anyway, just to be a jackass, I'll recommend Fire Blast. : )

Unless it's a CBer, then use Overheat since CBers will switch in and out anyway.


although I don't like White Herb, I laugh at YOU. For what else is it good for? Oh la la, a zigzagoon uses growl, and your white herb is waste. If you dislike White Herb PDL, you can always go with Leftovers or something.
Er, no. Don't use it for anything. :rolleyes:
Flamethrower= 142.5 Base (STABBED)
Fire Blast= 180 Base (STABBED)
Over Heat= 210 Base (STABBED)

first turn + second turn
FT= 285 base
FB= 360 base
Overheat= 315 base (even after stat cut)

therefore flamethrower<overheat<fireblast

so go with fire blast (optimum) and overheat second if you want lasting sweeper power or the option: overheat, which can deliver a fatal blow at the crucial moment (which is why its my Choice Band Blaziken's secret weapon, which few anticipate on a choice band physical sweeper).
Accuracy counts. >_>
lol serebii used it
That's pokemon of the week for you. I like the idea and all, but it doesn't work. :)


are you people are still talking about my camerupt? that horse (er... camel) left the stable ages ago... I gave it overheat...

oh well, since white herb dissappears after one use, I decided to put white herb on Camerupt for ordemental purposes only (meaning that camerupt isn't holding it when in actual battles)

lame isn't it?