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should I give Overheat a chance? or should I just stick with Flamethrower?

Flamethrower? or Overheat?

  • stick with good ol' Flamethrower

    Votes: 9 60.0%
  • try Overheat for a change

    Votes: 6 40.0%

  • Total voters


Salamence Master
PDL said:
alright, currently I'm training a Fire type (not too important on who exactly) All I can tell you is that it's mostly a physical sweeper

right now, it currently has the following moveset


anyway, should I teach the fire pokemon Flamethrower? or should I use Overheat?

Pros with Flamethrower
- most reliable in terms of PP, Accuracy and Power

Cons for Flamethrower
- I have it on nearly every other firetype I've trained (except for Blaziken and Torkoal)

Pros for Overheat
- really high attack power
- never been used before

Cons for Overheat
- only 5 PP
- only 90 accuracy (not a huge problem really)
- nasty side effect of lowering Special attack
- never been used before
If you have a white herb use it but if you don't get one,it would help you with overheat since it will recovger any lowered stat.And one more thing raise the PP to the max.


which makes it 8. There is a thread almost the same as this, and I think you should do the same, go with Fire Blast


OgLoc187 said:
If you have a white herb use it but if you don't get one,it would help you with overheat since it will recovger any lowered stat.And one more thing raise the PP to the max.

White Herb sucks. It's also rare.

You use Overheat, White Herb heals, you regain stats, and that's it.

You're better off sticking with switching out to regain stat decreases.
*Raises hand*


STUDENT: Why would you want to raise the PP of a move you would only want to use once or twice?

TEACHER: That's a very good question. Your impossible homework is to find out why.