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Should I write it? Or not...

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
Tighten the noose (title subject to change) preview.

I'm thinking of writing a non pokemon fic. Here's the basic idea or the story:

Tamara, wrongly accused of something she knows nothing about. She is accused of stealing a precious piece of jewellery belonging to the Queen, facing the hangman's rope her only hope is bestowed upon her daughter. But, simple minded and not too useful, would her child be able to prove her innocence in time to save her.

The story will (if I decide to write it) be set around the 1700's, so any names or information on this would be greatly appreciated (*hint, hint*).

Tamara - Middle aged woman, wrongly accused of a crime she did not commit.
Jadian : Simple minded and has never been too useful.
Tsering : Mysterious man, seems to be holding a secret.
Queen: Early 20's, only just started her rein.

More characters will be coming soon.

Title:Tighten the noose (subject to change)
Rating:Probably PG, but probably will change as I start writing,
Aproximate length: 10 - 14 Chapters

Extract from Chapter One :
As the saying goes: "If you were poor you were very, very poor, and if you were rich you were very, very rich." But that wasn't always true. In the human waste smelling streets of north London the people worked together, sharing, caring; taking the load off of each others shoulders.

"Mornin' love!" A small man called across the crowded street, looking across the street at a woman with piercing blue eyes and a mucky face.

"Alright then Charlie, how's it goin'?" Tamara, a woman small in height replied cheerfully, carefully stepping out of the darkened doorway.

The man grinned a black toothed smile. "Fine, where you going?"

"Down the market to get in supplies for the lot of us. See ya' later Charlie." Tamara grinned then set of at a careful walk, unsucessfully trying to dodge the piles of rotten food that appeared un-edible.


Reaching the market place, she bought her supplies then, spotting her daughter, careered towards a deserted stall.

Jadian looked up, smiled, then looked down again. Her long, right hand swept out.

Tamara handed an aray of food to Jadian. The young girl swept her long hair to one side as she grasped some of them with her right hand, letting the rest fall to the cobbled ground.

Tamara glanced at her, a look of "knew that was coming," swept over her face. Oh well. she though, then said: "Jadian, be careful!"

"Sorry." The girls face beamed.

"Take these back, tell them I will be there later on. I need to see someone."

Jadian carried supplies, then she headed left down the alley way.

Tamara did the same, only in the opposite direction. The claustrophobic area seemed to close in on her, the atmosphere didn't feel right. She braved a glance over her shoulder. No one.

No ones following you, your imagining it woman! She thought to herself. She stopped, worried. She slowly turned round, she was sure she would find someone looking bad at her. Still no one. She waited, still in her frozen position. A black silhouette could be seen against the wall. She ran to the end of the alley way and turned right, then left, then into the next passage way.

Now she knew someone was following her. Why? Was it even her that was being followed? No, surely not! She was an average person, she had never commited a crime in her life, and she had received so many opportunities. She was just a middle aged, brown haired, blue eyed woman. They probably weren't even following her!

"Forget it!" She said aloud.


Tamara relaxed, she decided to take the short cut back to where she sheltered. Meeting no one along the way she calmed down fully.


A sound of something crashing to the floor behind her. A foul smell rose, she could here footsteps, tap, tap, tapping on the cobbles behind her, not too far away.

But, she continued walking down the street. Don't worry she told herself not quite believing her own mind. She walked on at a steady pace.

Finally she reached the end of the darkened alleyway. The footsteps grew louder. She started to accelerate into a jog, then a run. People were following her. Her rag of a dress made loud rustling noises; a giveaway to the followers.


Tamara braved turning around for the second time. A rugged, stained face glared back at her evily grinning his toothless smile.

"Stop, you'll be commin' wi' me deary. Don't worry we won't be keepin' you long, you'll be gone within' the week..."

What had she done?

* * *​

I'll post up the rest of chapter 1 later on, no thats not the full length of the chapter :) Don't worry.

Thanks for reading please comment/give ideas,
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I'm weird accept it
whats it a fic about? thats the only question I got. you said its a fan fic but not a pokemon one and didn't specify what it is your writing a fan fic about...

I can't comment on the plot or anything seeing as I only know the cliches and stuff about pokemon... so yeah. but I like the ring of it. and the little excerpt seems well-written to me. so I say go with it.

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
Thanks, I ment to put none Pokemon fiction, not non Pokemon fan fiction :) Yay, thanks for saying my excerpt seems "well-written." Sorry for my repetitiveness in saying thanks.

EDIT: Posted up more of Chapter one, that not all of it though :) More on the way soon.
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I'm weird accept it
none pokemon fiction? oh as in its a pokemon fan-fic except the main character has no pokemon or something? I confused (then again what doesn't confuse me) still well written, though this scene confused me and you might want to make it more cear as to what is happening...

Reaching the market place, she bought her supplies then, spotting her daughter, careered towards a deserted stall.

Jadian looked up, smiled, then looked down again. Her long, right hand swept out.

Tamara handed an aray of food to Jadian. The young girl swept her long hair to one side as she grasped some of them with her right hand, letting the rest fall to the cobbled ground.

Tamara glanced at her, a look of "knew that was coming," swept over her face. Oh well. she though, then said: "Jadian, be careful!"

"Sorry." The girls face beamed.

"Take these back, tell them I will be there later on. I need to see someone."

Jadian carried supplies, then she headed left down the alley way.

quotificated the confusing part.

I'll read it, but i'm confused on the above mentioned things, I might not be the best one for crit though, as I either come in too late or can't think of anyhting. sometimes I get some good crit in though so ya know I ain't completely worthless.


An Ode to the Fallen
You should just write it! Dont be skeptical and dont hesitate. I wasnt sure if I would post mine, but look, Im at Chapter 2! (3's comin!) :D


#1 Vulpix Fan 4 eva.
Thanks, I ment to put none Pokemon fiction, not non Pokemon fan fiction :) Yay, thanks for saying my excerpt seems "well-written." Sorry for my repetitiveness in saying thanks.

EDIT: Posted up more of Chapter one, that not all of it though :) More on the way soon.
Your story is very interesting. I would enjoy to read more :D
I am working on a Pokémon Story too
Pokémon Moonlight, Your story was very well-written I hope this encourages you to carry on.


I'm weird accept it

I would like to read this when and if you post it! It seems very interesting.