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Should i?


Well-Known Member
Ok lying around in my word pad i've got the rudaments about a short vollection of issuses (i based the idea like the manga so it's in roughly 4o parts).
Of my fanfiction set in Fiore and featuring a pokemon ranger and a powerful "anti hero style chracter". The main plot of it is the remenant of team aqua* (all 11 of them) making an attmpt to find the tower of the waves and utalizing te power of the mystrues sea prince pokemon.
And mainly do you think i should bother writing this?

I would value any advise and particularly any geoghaphical info and fiore

*since it's based of the manga in whictch the team leaders do'nt surrend but are captured.


Well-Known Member
Surely a double post will make us all more inclined.


Well-Known Member
Yea. It is. Dont ask me about runescape though, its old fan art.

Anyways, just post em if you've got em. What specificaly do you want? Im having a hard time deciphering your posts.


Well-Known Member
Ah ok. I thought you were wondering wether to post what you were writing. I thought that was kinda dumb.


Well-Known Member
And back on topic...

Before you do anything about this fic, try and fix your spelling. It was atrocious in the first post. Also the description of a 'powerful anti-hero style character' makes me think of a Gary Stu (look it up if you don't know) who tries to be bad simply for the sake of it. Be careful with that.