I guess I'm not really sure how the debate forum being two or three finger clicks away versus one click away saves the site that much reputation. Besides, I don't think it's all bad. I mean, yes there are trash debaters but I think their volume and impact is being a bit exaggerated. I don't think it's fair to judge a section by its worst, otherwise we might have to hide a few more forums. Shipping and clubs come to mind, does anyone remember the Pokephillia club? Haha.
GrizzlyB made a post awhile back that I think is relevant here. Bad activity>No activity
Smart people frustrated arguing with dumb people is still going to produce something more worthwhile than smart people agreeing with eachother. Bad posts and bad debaters can simply be dealt with by momoderation. Sure, it's extra busy work but if it's really that much of a pain I'm sure they could find some poor sucker to volunteer.