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Should they explain things in the anime?


Beginning Trainer
We always start threads on the forums like: How do you become a gym leader? Why don't trainers go to school? etc. So I've been thinking recently, should they explain more of these details in the anime in depth. Episodes that explained how Kurt made pokeballs and how Misty got her badges in chronicles were actually quite interesting.

Here's a few things I'd like to know: What makes pokeballs levitate into the trainers hand after it's activated? How do they shrink and grow? How in the hell does a freaking geodude levitate above the ground - they explained it with magnemite - after all geodude's a rock for god's sake, does it have some kind of anti-gravity ability? If pokemon like Staryu and Starmie don't lay eggs, where do they come from?

I know it's just a cartoon, and if they did tell us how these things were done it would just be made up, but I would love the characters to at least acknowledge these weird things that go on around them.

There are so many questions that I really can't think of them all on the spot.
Anyone have any, and do you agree?

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
There are so many questions that I really can't think of them all on the spot.

And that's exactly why the show doesn't bother to explain everything. "Pokémon" is riddled with faulty logic, and actually taking the time to justify all of the irregularities within the anime's world would take damn near forever.

One thing I've noticed is that American fans of the anime are constantly picking and prying this show apart, trying to find the logic behind everything and looking for explanations to mysteries that have no explanations whatsoever. The Japanese fans, on the other hand, all seem to realize that it's just a cartoon, and therefore, they don't get all worked up about it. Thus, the Japanese "Pokémon" fans seem to prosper fairly well, whereas we American fans are constantly at each other's throats, trying to declare our own gonzo conspiracy theories as fact and bickering endlessly about mysteries within the anime that don't even need to be solved. Interpret that as you will.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
I can actually answer the Staryu/Starmie thing. You see, they are starfish Pokémon, and the starfishes are beings of assexuated reproduction, that meaning they won't breed, but instead, for example if a starfish is cut in half, it will reproduct into two starfishes. So, simply put, assexuated beings don't berrd, but they will multiply from thier own body parts. Hope that clears your doubt.
But there's no need to explain everything. It's just a cartoon.


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
One of the main reasons being that it is a kids show (despite the fact in the eight years that the show has been running, fans haev grown up) and the writers believe that kids don't ask these sorts of questions so don't put the answers in.


Ugh... i hate it a little bit when they call an Anime a kids show... >_<

So it's just an cartoon. It's fictional. Everything can happen. If someone can sneak under a door an entering the room/place flatten. And then pops to normal. :rolleyes:


Turnabout Pokemon
Ugh... i hate it a little bit when they call an Anime a kids show... >_<

So it's just an cartoon. It's fictional. Everything can happen. If someone can sneak under a door an entering the room/place flatten. And then pops to normal. :rolleyes:

Um. But Pokemon is an anime that's for kids.
well if an anime thats targeted for "adults" thats being watched by kids,does that mean that its a kids show?btw there is no age limit to fun and I personally don't believe in something being childlish and if you can't call pokemon real anime,than don't call cowboy behbop,samuria champloo,and more real anime too.
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Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
well if an anime thats targeted for "adults" thats being watched by kids,does that mean that its a kids show?btw there is no age limit to fun and I personally don't believe in something being childlish and if you can't call pokemon real anime,than don't call cowboy behbop,samuria champloo,and more real anime too.

...So how exactly did we get into the issue of whether or not "Pokémon" is considered anime?

Pokemon is for everybody, plain and simple, but was made so even the youngest viewers can understand.

Pokemon has a specific demographic, like most shows.

That doesn't stop other age groups from watching it, but that doesn't mean that it isn't aimed toward a certain audience.


Turnabout Pokemon
well if an anime thats targeted for "adults" thats being watched by kids,does that mean that its a kids show?btw there is no age limit to fun and I personally don't believe in something being childlish and if you can't call pokemon real anime,than don't call cowboy behbop,samuria champloo,and more real anime too.

I'm not saying Pokemon isn't a real anime. I'm saying it's an anime that's targeted for kids. Adults can and have been known to watch it, but it doesn't mean it's written specifically for them (or intended to attract them either).

Anime have many different genres and target audiences. However, there's girls that watch male oriented anime and vice versa, adults that watch anime geared for younger audiences, etc.
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Beginning Trainer
Okay, three things:

1. How'd we get on the subject of whether or not Pokemon's an anime? Not that I think such a matter needs explaining anyway though...

2. Pokemon can be enjoyed by any age group, much like just about any show, but it also- like any other show- has a target age demographic. That target demographic being kids ranging from, give or take, ages 7 to 13. There's a huge difference and some of you aren't seeing it.

3. We know Pokemon's just a cartoon but it's also a cartoon that evokes a novel where characters are introduced, and storylines are built within. That said, anime is very different from a regular cartoon. See, if we were watching The Fairly Oddparents or something like that, it'd be quite asinine to scout for logic in everything shown since it's really nothing more than mere comical enjoyment. But, in Pokemon, it'd really help if things like character origins, backgrounds, the workings of the pokeball, etc. were explained. Nobody said logic makes enjoyment but sometimes it's just best to have the storyline and the general working gears of the show explained rather than going unanswered as we're watching for 10 years.


Elemental Warrior
There is a reason why certain things are not explained. its too much work to explain every thing and if they did it more logic based it would be boring.

i could tell you what i think but i cant be bothered now