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Show Sprites


<~ Best Badges
Ok my last sprite thread was more about pokemon but I made some more just charchters so yeah chritizie them I will add more later


Lust-Full metal Alchemist
debby-wild thorn berrys
black parade-my chermical romance
FR/LG trainers as D/P trainers
Terra/bublebee/kidflash/jericho-teen titans
Anime girl-Not sure did it from somepicture in shop
winry-full metal alchemist


Pokemon Shaman
Just some crit, to fix your sprites.

1. Lust doesn't have pale white skin, it's still skin color. Also, she where's a dress.
2. Bobobo is African American, not caucasian or however you spell it. xD
3. Terra has long hair, not fluffy, Bumblebee looks great, Kidflash's coloring and shading look off.
4. Shinji and Winry look okay, but you can make them more character like by changing the hair and adding features, like pokeballs and wrenches.

Pretty good job.


My only shiny <3
Those are really good! The only thing is, Lust wears gloves but you didn't do that in her sprite.


<~ Best Badges

not a Charchter but yeah
I thought bobobo is white to me he looked that way and lust I get what your saying now

minor edits shinji hair sucks winry has a wrench lust has non as pale color and terra has different(bad) hair
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