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Shrt One-Shot Script - Shadows

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
This pretty much has nothing to do with pokemon, I've only mentioned it, so that this can be put in the main forum where it will get the right people viewing it.

It's a Short, even my fanfic standards, simply because it's a script and does not (and should not) contain the masses of description a fic would require. It's an example of how proper scripts should be written, and I've done it because I'm tired of seeing the increase of bad scripts.

I wont try to defend what I've written, It's not something I'm good at, portraying strong emotions, but it was the best subject material I could think of that would have two people talking directly without much intervention. That and it's a bit of a twist. Abbreviations at end.


OVER- The sound of rain clatters violently against an unseen window.

(MS)- a man is standing, back to the wall, in the shadows. He has something in his hands, but it's impossible to make out.

MAN 1​
You're not making this easy for me.

MAN 2 (OS)​
It's not easy. I'm going soon.

MAN 1​
Where are you? I could come get you.

MAN 2 (OS)​
No you couldn't.

MAN 1​
How do you know that? I've found you before.

MAN 2 (OS)​
Not this time. I'm not anywhere. I'm nowhere.

MAN 1​
You're not making any sense. Tell me where I can find you.

MAN 2 (OS)​
I already told you. You can't find me. You're on your own from now on. I have to leave you.

MAN 1​
You can't leave me! I need you!

(MS)- MAN 1 walks to a wall opposite and leans against it with both hands. He's holding a handgun.

MAN 2 (OS)​
Don't get so emotional. This has always been your problem. Take a deep breath, you can deal with this.

Low Angle (MS)- MAN 1 is looking straight ahead. His breathing is laboured. His fingers tighten around the gun.

PAN (MS)- MAN 2 is standing in the shadows behind.

(Two-shot)- MAN 1 still facing away from MAN 2

MAN 1​
Why are you doing this to me? We've been together for so long, why are you leaving me now?

MAN 2​
I have to. You know that. It's time for us to go our separate ways.

MAN 1​
No! I don't want to.

MAN 2​
What you want doesn't matter. I don't want to go either, but I must.

MAN 1​
Why doesn't it matter? Who decides that for us? Nobody controls me. I'm my own man!

MAN 2​
But you're not. You know that. If you were I wouldn't be here.

MAN 1​
That's not true.

MAN 2​
Yes it is. The only reason I'm here is because you are half the man you could be. When I'm gone, you'll be whole. The man you should me.

(Two-shot)- MAN 1 turns and leans his back against the wall. The two face each other.

MAN 1​
I don't know if I'll be able to cope.

MAN 2​
You will. You have family.

MAN 1​
They hate me. They took away my friends, my pokemon.

MAN 2​
No. They hate me. When I'm gone they'll be pleased.

MAN 1​
I would like to see my team again.

MAN 2​
And you will. But you have to let go. Let me go.

MAN 1​
I'm scared. What if I need you again?

MAN 2​
You wont. Be strong.

(CU)- MAN 1 cocks the gun.

PAN- The gun is raised

(Two-Shot)- MAN 1 is pointing the gun at MAN 2

SFX- Lightning illuminates the room. For a brief moment MAN 2 is missing. The light fades and he returns.

MAN 2​
It's time to end this. It's up to you now, you have to do it.

MAN 1​
I know. I'll miss you.

MAN 2​
No you wont.

(MCU)- MAN 1 fires the gun
(CU)- A mirror shatters and the distorted reflection shows MAN 1 pointing the gun.
(MS)- MAN 1 drops the gun, slides down the wall and sits on the floor.



OVER - Music or sound is played
(MS) - Medium Shot
(OS) - Off screen. Speaker is not visible.
PAN - Camera pivots left or right
(Two-shot) - Shot of two characters in same picture
(CU) - Close Up
(SFX) - Special Effects
(MCU) - Medium Close up

Sike Saner

Peace to the Mountain

So, this is what a proper script looks like...I can see why it's meant to be done this way. As I read this, every element of the piece came to stand before my mind just as it's supposed to...everything in it's right place. And damn, was that atmospheric...good and creepy; kind of put a hush over the room while I was reading it. Very nice.


RaZoR LeAf said:
MAN 2​
It's time to end this. It's up to you now, you have to do it.

MAN 1​
I know. I'll miss you.

MAN 2​
No you wont.

(MCU)- MAN 1 fires the gun
(CU)- A mirror shatters and the distorted reflection shows MAN 1 pointing the gun.
(MS)- MAN 1 drops the gun, slides down the wall and sits on the floor.




Anyone even considering using script format needs to look upon this piece and remember it well. You've done a splendid job here.