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<-- The Best Pokemon
Shuckle LV.50 F
Double Team

I have toxic, because, well, whats a shuckle without it right? I have wrap as an attempt to make it so they can't swap pokemon (although it would be much better if shuckle could learn block), I have rest for it to regenerate, and double team to evade moves so I don't have to use rest as often. I want the ultimate shuckle that pawns all pokemon, so I might start here. I didn't post the nature because...well...does it really matter with a shuckle?

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Weezing with Haze completely owns that set. Steel types laugh at Shuckle.

DT is unreliable because of the way it depends of luck to win battles. You could DT once and have the opponent miss every time, while you could DT six times and have the opponent hit every time.

Honestly, Shuckle sucks. The list of counters are endless.


<-- The Best Pokemon
Okay, but I am not just using shuckle alone (only an idiot would do that), and I know he sucks (or in this case she), but I want a shuckle, end-o-story. So, any other comments?
I don't think you should use Wrap

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Okay, since you want a moveset, here it is.

Impish / Careful Nature
- Toxic
- Wrap
- Protect
- Encore

Encore something like a Swords Dance or Substitute, then proceed to Wrap and Toxic. Protect helps recover HP and extends Toxic damage. Works well with a Dugtrio in your team.
okay i see why you are raising shuckle because of its defence but change its moveset

keep toxic
keep rest
get sandstorm insted of bind
get protect insted of doble team (you could keep double team but protect adds bonus when the foe is poisoned and lots of thing have water moves so use protect)

have a calm nature since water can annoy shuckle but make your defence good aswell (evil steel types but they arnt many of them)

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Steel types say hi to above moveset. So does Taunting Tyranitar.
no no no no

Shuckle (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 16 Def / 240 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Toxic
- Encore / Wrap
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

for lol's.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
That's why Shuckle sucks. No offense to the thread owner.
my set actually lives.
it's Shuckle's most ba5tardlyness moveset ever!
honestly, I even made one of those for UU, and it was awesome fun!
why is everyone so mean on shuckle in my opinion he is cool


Shadow Amongst Light
why is everyone so mean on shuckle in my opinion he is cool

because the onlything with a worse movepool than shuckle is ditto and unown (and it even has something to attack with). Also.... for having the best defense and special defense in almost the whole game.... it has the absolutely WORST HP stat.


Shiny Catcher!
At mercy to all Steel types. The techniques arn't bad, but they arn't good either. Perhaps teach him a ground attack instead of wrap?


NEVER give shuckle and attack move besides Wrap or Sleep Talk. He has the crapiest attack ever.


Well-Known Member
Why are you guys bashing Shuckle? Polymer wants to use Shuckle no matter what, and the last thing he needs is everyone acting like a broken record with "Shuckle sucks," no matter if its true or not.

Anyway, I'd go with F_M's set.


And never give any Pokemon Double Team, for reasons stated by Frost Nova in his first post.

Shuckle has the worst base Attack stat in the game, tied with Blissey, whom we know to suck at attacking Physically. The same goes for Shuckle, so Earthquake is NO on 3rd Gen Shuckle.