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christian 4ever
Ok I don't understand the Shuckle berry thing, can someone explain it to me.

what are you talking about ..explain your thread more


fuk yo couch ***** !
i think he means shuckle and berry juice..
basically, give shuckle a berry to hold and after some period of time it will turn into berry juice. wait even longer and the berry juice turns to a rare candy.


Completing The Trio
after about 10,000 steps your berry {use an oran berry} should turn to berry juice after about 16-18,000 steps it will turn to rare candy.

In order to pass the time i usually breed for a shiny that way i can pick up an egg, travel back and forth from verdanturf to mauville picking up eggs hatching them, really passes the time quick

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
but seriously, whats the point?
it just takes waaaaaaaaaaay to long...


Completing The Trio
it does take a long time however many people want rare candies so that after ev training they can quick level up their pokemon


Well-Known Member
So why don't they clone...That's like 3 bazillion times faster ?! Berry Juice however, that's something I never tried te get before...Maybe I will try to get some, and then clone it O_Q

mwuahahha, power of the monocle!

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
oh god...
what does berry juice do anyway?


Completing The Trio
oran berrys sell for 5 berry juice sells for 10 i think


Well-Known Member
It heals HP. At least, that's what it did in G/S/C versions...


Well-Known Member
I agree just clone the rare candies,it just takes too much time.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Cool. Infinite rare candies. :p

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
Yeah, uncloned infinte rare candys. Requires alot of Berries though.

Flame Haze SnS
