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Shy Guys Toybox


guess whos back?
Hey guys, Im back =D I decided to quit all my other projects to start a new comic for a fresh start. It follows the plot of chapter 4 from the original Paper Mario game. C&C Appreciated
Guess which of my old comics the flashback in episode 1 comes from? =P

Arc 1-Capturing Watt
1. Intruder
2. Flamethrower
3. Godzilla
4. Yes, again
5. Cuddle


Spriters resource for the grassy background and the character sprites.
Toybox Background by me.
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guess whos back?
waterup-Its kinda both. It doesnt have much of a plot, though I still have one.

Anyway, new eppy.
Wow, you put....godzilla in! :eek: Anyway, sprites are good, story line would be kinda hard for some people to follow, but anyway very good and good luck in continuing the series. :D


guess whos back?
Thanks guys. And KC, how would the story line be hard to follow?
new episode. Yes, Im aware that the blood sucks.


guess whos back?
Any one of my 160 veiwers want to post?
Another new one

Yes, Medi is homosexual. -.-;
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guess whos back?
Sorry, I wont be able to get an episode done today, and maybe tommarow. I have a project to work on. Ill try to get one up by monday, or possibly late sunday.


guess whos back?
Sorry about the lak of updates, Ive had a lot of tests to study for lately, and have too much to do after school.
Ill try to get an episode done tommarow.