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~Sids 1st Revamps~


Yukimenoko <3
Two revamps..

The misdreavus one is ERGH. I just can't get my head around the shadowing & lighting around her hair.
Miltanks okay.
CC please.


the miltank is the obvious better of the two.
for misdrevous...
you seemed to have reshaped the head from the original sprite. i personally like the original sprites head shape better along with the eyes on it. maybe just try to do some editing/recolor to it..?

good work


Macho man!
On misdrivous, you put the light shadeing on the tail. So you know, that almost makes no sence. You should put some light shadeing on the head and the darkest shadeing on the tail.

Miltank is perfect.


Yukimenoko <3
I really messed up the missys lighting. :|
But here's MR MIME.

<3 I think he's good but his shoes are just weird and hard to do.


look a portkey!
for a first time revamp there good id say misdreavus is the worst and miltank the best