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Sig help


I Crush Everything
Hello all.

I have drawn pictures of the pokemon in my anime style battling squad, and I want to put them in my signature, and I am wanting to know how. My first thought, was a banner, but I couldn't find any banner shop which could do that kind of banner, and a trainer card can't work, because I wanted drawn pictures, not sprites, and I wanted to put my whole squad, not just six of them in. Can anyone give me any suggestions on what to do?

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
The problem with banner shops is they make the same style banners over and over all the time. That means that if you have something specific weanting done, there's usually no one to cater for it. Try fan art requests instead. Upload your images and link to them in the topic you make.


I Crush Everything
Yeah, thanks razor leaf, but I thought the fan art request section could only have shops, and making threads requesting things was not allowed.


I Crush Everything
Yeah, thanks RL, I'll do that.