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/sigh my poor Suicune


Used Legendary.com's IV calculator and my Suicune's IVs are almost the worst possible ><

what bad luck


I won't give up!
WoW , that's what I call bad luck.
Wow bad luck, what were your Suicune's base stats anyway, just curious
Then I guess mine isn't far behind, mine are only a couple points ahead,
oh well, at least still have my uber Suicune from Collesium
Mine was Adamant :(, but my uber-Collesuim one was Modest,its great and has awesome Sp.Def stats


Well-Known Member
The running Pokemon(Legendary dogs and the Lat@s) tend to have multiple 0 or really low IVS.


<--- Teh kewl ghost!
I have my Latias with 29 IV in sp. Att, and nothing lower than 10. So that means im very lucky then ;p. and its not the southern island one, if you think that. And it has a calm nature ;p;p;p


Bullet Punch
Well, he is an uber, so I hope you weren't planning to use him on link battles. Bad luck, common to all of us. What can you do?
