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Silver trench LUGIA


how much recruid rate have lugia?


Well-Known Member
Why dont u go to the main site and see for yourself?


. . .
However, you HAVE to recruit the other 3 birds to get to Silver Trench. You did do that, didn't you? x(


Water Pokemon Master
Well I finally recruited articuno and now only moltres and then I can go there too.

Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
is the lugia dungeon difficult?

also does the non stick cap prevent food from tuening into grimy food?


Water Pokemon Master
1. Not for some people it's 99 floors nonstop with no save place.
2. I don't know never saw one.


Well-Known Member
is the lugia dungeon difficult?

also does the non stick cap prevent food from tuening into grimy food?

Silver Trench will have Pokémons that can go up to about Level 45. Lugia at the 99th Floor is level 30. Then on Floor 25, 55, & 75, there will be only one huge room. That room will be a Monster House, and there is no way to avoid it. You must go through it and get to the exit. When I went for Silver Trench, my Sceptile & Charizrd were Level 70+. So Charizard's heat wave made those rooms easier. Lugia will be recruited the first time, only if your team size is 2 stars total. You can take three Pokémons if you want, but at the 98th floor, remember to select the Farewell option, thus sending them back to thier Friend Area.

Non-Stick Cap does not prevent food from becoming grimy food. It will only prevent them from becoming sticky.
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Well-Known Member
Lugia is easy to recruit...

I would bring a Pikachu with 4 Thunder attacks linked together to battle Lugia.

Zapping it with lightning would easilly paralyze it and it would make things easier.


Drifblim landing!
I just beat Silver Trench earlier. VERY EASY! Lv100 Aggron with Super Mobile, Trap Seer and Energy Saver OWNed the place. Gonna go back and recruit a team full of Pokes :)
Lugia Battle (Lv30 Lugia vs Lv100 Aggron):

Metalix attacked
Lugia moves 1 step forwalds.
Metalix used Thunderbolt
Lugia took 637 damage or something.
Lugia used Gust
Metalix took 1 damage
Metalix attacked
Lugia took 140 something damage
Lugia wants to join you team!


no the sticky does that not :-( unfortunately.

And silver trench lugia's dungeon is very easy :)


Well-Known Member
My VBA Rescue Team Leader: Jirachi
My VBA Rescue Team Members: Mewtwo, Mew, Celebi

All of them have Psychic, Most have Shadow Ball while Mew has Dragon Claw
Mewtwo would burn its foes using Fire Blast, while Mew freezes foes with Blizzard, and Jirachi can zap foes with Thunder.
Mewtwo has Barrier, Mew has Metronome, Jirachi has Wish.
Celebi has Ancientpower and Solarbeam.


Well-Known Member
The dungeon its self is hard.
The easy part is when you get to Luiga.

I may attempt to get to Lugia...