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Silver Trench


Better then you
You have to recruit all 3 of the Legendary birds. Then after that talk to Alakazam in the Town Square. Then visit the Birds and they will give you the Vortex Stone and gain access to Silver Trench.

Shiny Ho-Oh

Well-Known Member
Reecruit all 3 Legenday Birds, Then clear Stormy Seas or recruit Kyogre, then talk to Alakazam and he'll tellyou to go to Legendary Island, go there and the 3 Birds will make a circle and then you'll be able to go to Silver Trench.

Shiny Ho-Oh

Well-Known Member
Reecruit all 3 Legenday Birds, Then clear Stormy Seas or recruit Kyogre, then talk to Alakazam and he'll tellyou to go to Legendary Island, go there and the 3 Birds will make a circle and then you'll be able to go to Silver Trench.

rocklee 85

I Wont Bite!
ok but do you have to say farewell to them,because i recruited them and talked to him and nothing happened?


Team In Flames
No you don't. No missions, tasks or part of the storyline require you to reject any pokémon.