Well-Known Member
Does anyone notice how much pokemon have in common with each other? Example: Parasect and Mewtwo have almost the same cry.
Post away!
Post away!
^You're not supposed to say that. It's spam. And I'm not meant to say that. Damm.But yeah, the cries being similar is quite funny in my opinion, I mean come on, what do Mewtwo and Parasect have in common? Also the number of Pokemon that are similar is driving me mad, like Krabby and Corphish, Pikachu, Plusle and Minun. It's as if Nintendo/Game Freak are running out of ideas...which they probably are.
^Don't do that, deoxisnator, if a Mod considers it pointless they'll close it anyway, and besides, you're perfectly entitled to start the same topic that has grown old, coz otherwise you'd have to bump that thread and gt it closed.
jibicoli (sp) and metang look very much alike
So is Krabby and Corpish. But the difference is that one is 1 gen and the other is 3 gen. Anyone know about a 1 gen and 2 gen look alike?Feebas and Magikarp are similar