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Simple Question about the Game


Charizard... YEA!!
will we be able to connect a game boy advance to the Wii using the GC controller slots on the Wii? i just really wanna know cause im not sure if im gonna buy a ds just for Pokemon Battle Revolution
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Mayness Yayness!
No, because only 3rd gen games were Released for the GBA, and PBR is 4th gen. What a stupid question.

No its not jerk, have you not seen the videos of the Lg/Fr trainers?


Mayness Yayness!
Wait. if it is possible, how will it work correctly? Parukia wouldn't be able to work on Fr/Lg, and new attacks were made in D/P/PBR.

I didnt say you could trade parukia to Fr/Lg, But you MIGHT be able to use Fr/Lg pokemon on BR, by the way im not saying you'll be able to for sure, just that it wasnt a stupid question


my ultimate espeon!
tht osunds possibel hopefull thou ist going to be a pain to get my legendaries on to d/p from fr/r/s/e

Uchiha Madara

the /k/ommando
yeah, but while fighting, if Lucario is sent out, wouldn't it come out on the Gba with its name looking weird?

Pokemaníaco Desesperado

Normal Coordinator
yeah, but while fighting, if Lucario is sent out, wouldn't it come out on the Gba with its name looking weird?

Not at all, since most of the info is from the console name. In colosseum and XD, the only purpose of the cartridge was to have a team to upload. After uploading, the GBA was just a secondary screen.

Anyways, I see it as more possible making a bridge with D/P, I mean, PBR reads the D/P card in the DS which reads the RSEFRLG in the GBA slot.