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Sinthirster's Gallery


Here's some of my art. It's not much, but meh...

First here's some of my Pokemon sketches:


My Pikachu, Pika-Punk. Isn't he cute? ^_^

My Poochyena Whitefang. I brought him to school one day (he's a small figurine about the size of a magic rub eraser XP) and I lost him o_O I never found him and this is my tribute to him... ;.;

8th grade doodles. Most of them are shading practices of some of Suto-Raito's art. Yep, my Pikachu's just the sweetest XP Oh, and Whitefang is there again too, but I like the other link of him better. Warning, Pika-Punk's language may be a little harsh in this picture.

And to finish this section off: http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c39/Sinthirster/Pokemon/Maxie.jpg
Maxie of Team Magma. Tell me that this is not the cutest pic of Maxie you've ever seen! Lol.

On to the other things besides Pokemon:

This is me as an Okage: Shadow King character. Belioune cursed me so that on every full moon night, I transform into a vampire were-fox. Awesome, no? XP

Chrono from Chrono Crusades. I'm not kidding, his hair was so difficult to draw, and it took nearly two hours with all the shading and stuff >.<

And if I positive feedback, maybe I'll post more pics...
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It's Pika-Punk, not Punkachu. He does? Damn...

Ket Shi

Come on and SLAM!
Those Pokémon sketches are quite good. It's good to see you're getting a handle of shading. That, and they're from 8th grade? Nice. (Though the language on that Pikachu is a little strong)

I got to say, though...vampire were-fox? o_O

Edit: I need to read better.


Thank you all for your positive comments ^_^ Yeah, I'm sorry about the language of Pika-Punk on that one page. I was gonna put a warning but I forgot o_O

Dark Latios

Beautiful Tragedy
Awesome pics Sin! ^__^

My fav is the first one you posted, Pikapunk. The Maxie is.. Interesting to say the least. o.o;

Hope to see more soon, keep up the good work! (And don't worry too much about the shading.. everything looks fine to me).


Thanks, Alyssa ^__^ Alright, here are a few more sketches, now that I'm getting some good replies:

The Team Aqua guy from that one Pokemon episode "On a Wingull and a Prayer". He was just so kewl and I immediately fell in love with him XP

Me and Stanley Hihat Trinidad IV (or just Evil King Stan). Originally drawn by my school-friend, Sofia Wronka, but I re-drew it since she last drew it in the 6th grade.

A raven on the top (which came out like crap >.<) and me and Stan in his shadow form at the bottom ^////^

Sorry not much Pokemon ones this time. I'll be sure to make more in the future.

Fool's Hope

In God We Trust
I love all your pics, Sin. (*coughspeciallytheaquaguypiccoucough* XP)They're so very good.

I don't think Pika-Punk looks like a girl... Maybe it's just the hair.
The shading isn't bad, either. It's much better than what I can do. º_º;
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Thanks Cari. Well, I guess Pika-Punk kinda looks a little like a girl...
Pika-Punk: Don't make me zap you... -_-#
Me: Erm... Sorry ^_^; Anyway, Cari, did you add anything to your thread?


Orange Champion
Awesome stuff Sin. Are the drawings of you similar to what you actually look like, or are they just some random version of yourself? All in all those pics are pretty sweet. Still haven't started the Gaara pic yet, sorry...


Don't worry about it, I'm kinda procrastinating on Sike's pic as well (sorry Sike. I promise on Wednesday for sure I'll have it!). All these do look like me, although I don't really have those kind of bangs, but aside from that it's the same length and everything.


Orange Champion
Oh cool. I;ve never drawn myself so I don't know about that. I don't like how I look enough to draw myself accurately. I'd probably draw something grossly innacurate...


Aw, Harisson, don't say that. I bet it would look great!


Orange Champion
Seriously, I am UGLY. I can't draw myself. It would be hideous if I could draw myself accurately because my drawing skills aren't really that great and add thta to my ugliness... ooh... it would be very bad.


Wow, these are great.....Anyway, of all the pokemon doodles, I really like the pidgy one ^.^ But your best of all was definately the Pika Punk oekaki XD

Masquieran Chilli

wow sinthirster you are a good shader to say the least. I like pika-punk but i don't think it looks like a girl.


Thanks very much, Kidodli-sempai and Growlithian ^_^ I'm glad a lot of people actually like my shading. I have more shading practices of Suto-Raito's work if you all want to see them.

Harrison, I know you're not ugly because you're a great person, and great people are not ugly. So there! End of discussion XP
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Orange Champion
If you really need proof I'll send you a picture. I'd have to put a warning label on it though. I look so bad. ( I'll continue this conversation through PM on on Aim if you want.)


I've sent you a PM about this discussion. Anyway, moving on. I might as well post the last bits of my art from my photobucket account.

A pic for Cari. I've posted it earlier at our Team Aqua thread, but I guess I'll post it here as well.


I saw this really kawaii screenshot of Archie-kun and I had to draw it! I love him so ^_^

Other stuffs:
"I taste blood." I love this quote so much, that I sometimes use it when I'm taking a sip out of a mug in front of people. Freaks them out real good! lol!

Bad day at school in 8th grade... Actually this is me constantly now that I'm in High School...

My name written in some magik/witchcraft writing, a practice drawing of Suto-Raito's Grovyle and my beloved Stanley XP

Me all dressed up. I was thinking about dressing like this to my last 8th grade dance, but I decided not to, since I didn't get the damn boots >.< That would be pretty funny to see everyone's looks, since I go to a Catholic School ^_^

Me and Anubis. I drew this one day during school on some special program installed on the computer's. I was currently having some sort of obsession of Anubis at that time ^_^;

The same as the above, only colored. I'm actually quite proud of the coloring on this one, especially of the sky and moon.

Bloodred tears... it was one of those days.

Enjoy ^_^