This episode was crazy, but in a good way ^^
The animation was pretty good, only the Pokémon looked a bit off sometimes. The music was awesome. More awesome than usual that is. They used the Regi music when the Machop, Machoke, Machamp trio appeared in front of the gang and a remix of
Smile that sounded quite pretty.
The Psyduck somehow reminded me of Madam Muchmoney's Snubbull. It was spoilt too much and quite unhappy with the circumstances. Only difference is, it's much cuter and less bothering than Snubbull in my opinion.
Azumi was a bit annoying, saying "Mai Suwiito Hannii Kodakku-chan!" over and over. If I had a trainer like that, I'd probably bunk, but whatever.
Phanpy battled twice, once against the Machop and Co. and once against May's Squirtle. It also helped a bit fighting against Team Rocket. Plus, it was often playing with that Psyduck, so it had much screentime today.
Team Rocket was crazy today. First, Meowth's boss fantasy was hilarious. Psyduck as something like medicine. Yanno, it alleviated pain and so on. Freaky. And there always was a creepy voice in the background saying the same thing for each scene (there were three, first one had Giovanni hitting his finger with a hammer, in the second one he hit his toe on his desk and in the third one he had a headache while eating ice-cream). Bwah, I'm so bad at explaining XD
I also liked how they tricked the twerps. Turning the lawn into a Pinball "field" and letting them bounce off in all directions looked pretty funny.
I actually thought this episode was much more enjoyable than the Arcanine one but that's probably just me