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Sketching troubles


Boulder Trainer
Okay, first of all, i hope i spelled that right...

okay, now on topic. I am, to put it simply,trying to sketch Focus punch off of my Aggron, but i can't get it to work! So, um, can i not sketch something off of a team poke?


Gen 6 = <3
what version are you trying to do this in? I think you can sketch from a team pokemon but it depends on if its RS or Emerald. I think this can only work in Ruby or Sapphire and I think it works the same as getting transform. I am not sure so you might want somebody else to respond too.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
I believe you can use Sketch on a team mate in any game, but Focus Punch is probably a tricky one to Sketch, since it's a two-turn move. If Aggron tries to use Focus Punch and "loses focus", I don't think Smeargle can Sketch it. It has to Sketch it on the turn it actually uses the move.


Well-Known Member
it basically sketches right after the pkmn uses the move


Boulder Trainer

maybe sparky is right. It won't even let me sketch substitute. TESTING IS IN ORDER!!


Here's how it should go:
Smeargle used Whatever! (this can be anything, note that Smeargle has to be faster.
Aggron is tightening its focus!
Other two use moves that don't do anything to Aggron
Aggron used Focus Punch!
Next Turn...
Smeargle used Sketch! (on Aggron, of course.)
Smeargle Sketched Focus Punch!
I have a 100% guarantee that will work.


<-- Solves any case!
Oh and you can't scetch sunstitute cause sub will block ALL attacks, including scetch.

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
I believe you can use Sketch on a team mate in any game, but Focus Punch is probably a tricky one to Sketch, since it's a two-turn move. If Aggron tries to use Focus Punch and "loses focus", I don't think Smeargle can Sketch it. It has to Sketch it on the turn it actually uses the move.

Focus punch is a one-turn move. in the beginning the poké will tighten it's focus and at the end of the first turn, it"ll use focus punch



<-- Solves any case!
The pokemon has to use/complete the move before you can scetch it, and focus-punch will always move last.


Master Breeder
for FP, use extrasensory's strategy above.

as for substitute, you have to have the pokemon that uses sub have less than 1/4 of its HP, so sub fails. that way, the sub doesn't block the sketch.