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skitty help

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
for people that have ranger can they help me I'm having trouble with the mission where you potrole fall city. the skittys are hard to find i'm missing one
1 I got the one in the garbage can
2 I got the one on the roof of the biulding
3 I got the one by the pond and the ludocolo
4 I forgot where i got this one

but I can't find the last one who knows where it is thanks in advance

zonic the hedgehog

There's an FAQ for Ranger, so here are all the locations of the skitty:

- the top floor of the building you just visited.
- behind a wooden fence, on the central area of this city. He will run
away, but you can easily get him later, by checking the behind of one of
the trees.
- near the fountain, on the central area of this city.
- on the right trash can, on the central area of this city.
- On the upper left house, on the upper area of this city, hidden in the
middle of some plushies.

Hope that helps ya. ;)