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Gen 6 = <3
Skitty is found where you find Nincada near the Rusturf tunnel, where you chased Team Aqua/Magma at the beginning of the game after you beat Roxanne and saved Briney's Wingull. Skitty are rare though so be prepared to look for a while.


Its the route by the cave where you rescue Briney's(sp?) Wingull from team Aqua/Magma.
Its pretty rare, but can happen in swarms ocassionaly.
Edit : Dang it beaten to the first post.


I like pie.
by the way, there is grass in route 16. if you go to the beach with the girl then surf north, you will find some grass, berries, trainers, and the other entrence to meteor falls.

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
by the way, there is grass in route 16. if you go to the beach with the girl then surf north, you will find some grass, berries, trainers, and the other entrence to meteor falls.

What? is there a second entrance to meteor falls????


edit: stupid me, It's the entrance where you get out the first time through.


Veteran smartass
he means the exit....o_O
yeah theres grass if u surf further north
there are jigglypuff taillow swellow swablu in it


I like pie.
skitti is the rarest pkmon ever!
ive chearching 5h15min to find it!(i was always in the good spot)

you are just very very unlucky, no offense. statistically speaking, chimecho and chansey are much rarer. chansey is hard to get because it's in safari zone. and they run ASAP 99% of the time.


Bodybuilder Trainer
But Skitty is so common when the TV announces a "Swarm"

After that, I found Skitty on my first walk through Rout 116


Wait for a swarm is my suggestion. But I found it in ten minutes when I was training there after beating roxanne when I just started emerald.
it only took me 1 min to catch skitty, but what can I say? weird things happen to me, like I caught a ralts before I met wally, and in G/S/C, I beat a level 9 pidgeotto with a level 3 geodude with tackle only. But getting back on topic, skitty is found to the right of rustboro, as others have said. But I believe that if you stop searching for a bit, then go back, you will have a swarm.


Bodybuilder Trainer
Well, you should have a Skitty now.

Or at least know how to get one.