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Sky Tower Help


Well-Known Member
I am having trouble in Sky Tower, and I was hoping someone could give me advice. I'm a level 34 Charmander with a level 32 Chikorita as my partner. Charmander knows Flamethrower, Hidden Power, Secret Power, and Metal Claw. Chikorita knows Razor Leaf, Bullet Seed, Body Slam and Synthesis. I also take along my level 29 Shuppet, which knows Curse, Hidden Power, Night Shade, and Spite. I have gotten to the level before Rayquaza, but I was defeated, had no items, and was hungry. Does anyone have any tips for this dungeon? Do I need to level up more?


<Soto the Quilava!
I beat it at those levels. Just save at the Kangaskhan statue and keep trying. Do you have any linked moves? They come in handy. Also, you can buy tons of Apples, or go collect them in easy dungeons for hunger. You can find Scope Lens at the top part of Sky Pillar, which let you see where enemies and items are on the map. Very useful! Use somewhat strong moves only on the tough foes like Salamence to preserve PP for Rayquaza. That's all I can think of for now.

PS: not to be rude, but you should have posted in the help thread...

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
Don't dally defeating the other Pokémon on the level. Make a b-line straight for the stairs. If you find any sort of food item, conserve it until your belly is either empty or near empty (depending on what food item it is), then it. If you're about to fight (i.e. the enemy is a few tiles away and coming straight at you), make use of Blast Seeds and Gravelrocks. And when battling, try using moves that will defeat the enemy in one hit, such as Cynaquil's Flamethrower on those Tropiuses and Chikorita's Razor Leaf/Bullet Seed on those damnable Aerodactyls.

And once you actually get to Rayquaza, Linked moves will be the key. I defeated Rayquaza by just spamming my Helping Hand/Quick Attack combo and linking my Cyndaquil parter's Flamethrower with her Flame Wheel. As for levels, you're fine. I was high twenties/low thirties when I defeated that giant, legless lizard. :3

You can find Scope Lens at the top part of Sky Pillar, which let you see where enemies and items are on the map.

Scope Lense increases your critical hit ratio. X-Ray Specs is what you're thinking of.
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Well-Known Member
My main problem is the Aerodactyls and Tropius that hit my Chikorita 3 times in a row with Wing Attack, but my linked moves becaome unlinked because I run out of PP. I linked Hidden Power and Secret Power on Charmander, and nothing on anyone else.

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
My main problem is the Aerodactyls and Tropius that hit my Chikorita 3 times in a row with Wing Attack, but my linked moves becaome unlinked because I run out of PP. I linked Hidden Power and Secret Power on Charmander, and nothing on anyone else.

When you get the message that you're running out of PP and the linked moves will come unlinked if you keep using them, then stop using them. And to get your partner to stop using them, go to Team, then Moves and unswitch the move/s you want your partner to stop using (there will be no star by it once you do so).


Well-Known Member
Charmander is the only one who I link moves for. When I get that message, I have to use them becasue they are my last moves.....
Can I get some help too?

I'm stuck there myself. My team is a Level 31 Psyduck, a Level 31 Pikachu, and a Level 25 Absol. Are there any modifications I need to make?
And how many floors does the Sky Tower have?


Well-Known Member
It has 25.....then another 9 after the save point. If you need help, you should make your own thread.

Back on topic, I got X-Ray specs, which help me avoid enemies.

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
25 foolrs plus the summit which has 9 floors. You should try to get Ice beam and teach it to psyduck (if you don't have it already) and level you team atleast 2-3 more levels.


. . .
Bring along Absol instead of Shuppet. Teach it Ice Beam, but disable it until you fight Rayquaza.

Deoyxs, do the same if you can, but teach it to Psyduck.


Well-Known Member
I think I had it but I lost it...but that sounds like a good idea.

EDIT: I beat Rayquaza. With Secret Power and Bullet Seed.
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